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Identity Manager 8.2.1 - Administration Guide for Connecting to SharePoint

Managing SharePoint environments Setting up SharePoint farm synchronization Basic data for managing a SharePoint environment SharePoint farms SharePoint web applications SharePoint site collections and sites SharePoint user accounts SharePoint roles and groups
SharePoint groups SharePoint roles and permission levels
Permissions for SharePoint web applications Reports about SharePoint objects Configuration parameters for managing a SharePoint environment Default project template for SharePoint

Using custom authentication modes

When user accounts are added, the values of various main data are determined using templates. One Identity Manager tries to identify and classify an authentication object using user account properties during synchronization. To use custom authentication modes, the templates of different columns must be modified if necessary. Create custom templates so that authentication modes can be assigned automatically to user accounts and the login names can be correctly formatted.

To use custom authentication modes

  1. In the Designer, adjust the templates for the SPSUser.UID_SPSAuthSystem column (authentication mode).
  2. Test the template of SPSUser.ObjectKeyNamespaceItem (authentication modes) and SPSUser.LoginName columns (login name) and modify them if necessary.
Detailed information about this topic

Assigning employees automatically to SharePoint user accounts

Table 22: Configuration parameters for automatic employee assignment
Configuration parameter Meaning

TargetSystem | SharePoint | PersonAutoFullSync

Mode for automatic employee assignment for user accounts that are added to or updated in the database by synchronization.

TargetSystem | SharePoint | PersonAutoDefault

Mode for automatic employee assignment for user accounts added to the database outside synchronization.

When you add a user authenticated user account, an existing employee can automatically be assigned to it. This mechanism can be triggered after a new user account is created either manually or through synchronization.After synchronization, identities are automatically assigned to all new user accounts. If no matching identity can be found, a new identity is created using existing user main data.

Define criteria for finding employees to apply to automatic employee assignment. If a user account is linked to an employee through the current mode, the user account is given, through an internal process, the default manage level of the account definition entered in the user account's target system. You can customize user account properties depending on how the behavior of the manage level is defined.

If you run this procedure during working hours, automatic assignment of employees to user accounts takes place from that moment onwards. If you disable the procedure again later, the changes only affect user accounts added or updated after this point in time. Existing employee assignments to user accounts remain intact.

NOTE: It is not recommended to assign employees using automatic employee assignment in the case of administrative user accounts. Use Change main data to assign employees to administrative user accounts for the respective user account.

For more information about assigning employees automatically, see the One Identity Manager Target System Base Module Administration Guide.


  • Group authenticated is not set in the user accounts.
  • The user accounts are not assigned an authentication object

Run the following tasks to assign employees automatically.

  • If you want employees to be assigned during the synchronization of user accounts, in the Designer, set the "TargetSystem | SharePoint | PersonAutoFullsync" configuration parameter and select the required mode.
  • If you want employees to be assigned outside synchronization, in the Designer, set the "TargetSystem | SharePoint | PersonAutoDefault" configuration parameter and select the required mode.
  • Assign an account definition to the site collection. Ensure that the manage level to be used is entered as the default manage level.
  • Define the search criteria for employees assigned to the site collection.


The following applies for synchronization:

  • Automatic employee assignment takes effect if user accounts are added or updated.

The following applies outside synchronization:

  • Automatic employee assignment takes effect if user accounts are added.
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Editing search criteria for automatic employee assignment

NOTE: One Identity Manager supplies a default mapping for employee assignment. Only carry out the following steps when you want to customize the default mapping.

The criteria for employee assignments are defined for the site collection. You specify which user account properties must match the employee’s properties such that the employee can be assigned to the user account. You can limit search criteria further by using format definitions.

The search criterion is written in XML notation to the Search criteria for automatic employee assignment column (AccountToPersonMatchingRule) in the SPSSite table.

Search criteria are evaluated when employees are automatically assigned to user accounts. Furthermore, you can create a suggestion list for assignments of employees to user accounts based on the search criteria and make the assignment directly.

NOTE: Object definitions for user accounts that can have search criteria applied to them are predefined. For example, if you require other objects definitions that limit a preselection of user accounts, set up the respective custom object definitions in the Designer. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

To specify criteria for employee assignment

  1. Select the SharePoint > Site collections category.
  2. Select the site collection in the result list.
  3. Select the Define search criteria for employee assignment task.
  4. Specify which user account properties must match with which employee so that the employee is linked to the user account.
    Table 23: Standard search criteria for user accounts
    Apply to Column for employee Column for user account
    User accounts (user authenticated) Central user account (CentralAccount) Login name (LoginName)
  5. Save the changes.
Direct assignment of employees to user accounts based on a suggestion list

In the Assignments pane, you can create a suggestion list for assignments of employees to user accounts based on the search criteria and make the assignment directly. User accounts are grouped in different views for this.

Table 24: Manual assignment view



Suggested assignments

This view lists all user accounts to which One Identity Manager can assign an employee. All employees are shown who were found using the search criteria and can be assigned.

Assigned user accounts

This view lists all user accounts to which an employee is assigned.

Without employee assignment

This view lists all user accounts to which no employee is assigned and for which no employee was found using the search criteria.

TIP: By double-clicking on an entry in the view, you can view the user account and employee main data.

To apply search criteria to user accounts

  • Click Reload.

    All possible assignments based on the search criteria are found in the target system for all user accounts. The three views are updated.

To assign employees directly using a suggestion list

  1. Click Suggested assignments.
    1. Check the Selection box of all the user accounts to which you want to assign the suggested employees. Multi-select is possible.
    2. Click Assign selected.
    3. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

      The employees found using the search criteria are assigned to the selected user accounts.

    – OR –

  2. Click No employee assignment.
    1. Click the Select employee option of the user account to which you want to assign an employee. Select an employee from the menu.
    2. Check the Selection box of all the user accounts to which you want to assign the selected employees. Multi-select is possible.
    3. Click Assign selected.
    4. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

      The employees displayed in the Employee column are assigned to the selected user accounts.

To remove assignments

  1. Click Assigned user accounts.
    1. Click the Selection box of all user accounts you want to delete the employee assignment from. Multi-select is possible.
    2. Click Remove selected.
    3. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

      The assigned employees are removed from the selected user accounts.

Deleting and restoring SharePoint user accounts

NOTE: As long as an account definition for an employee is valid, the employee retains the user account that was created by it. If the account definition assignment is removed, the user account that was created from this account definition, is deleted.

To delete a user account

  1. Select the SharePoint > User accounts (group authenticated) or the SharePoint > User accounts (user authenticated) category.
  2. Select the user account in the result list.
  3. Click to delete the user account.
  4. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

To restore a user account

  1. Select the SharePoint > User accounts (group authenticated) or the SharePoint > User accounts (user authenticated) category.
  2. Select the user account in the result list.
  3. Click in the result list.

When an authentication object assigned to a SharePoint user account is deleted from the One Identity Manager database, the link to the authentication object is removed from the SharePoint user account. Define a custom process to delete these user accounts from the One Identity Manager database.

Configuring deferred deletion

You can use deferred deletion to specify how long the user accounts remain in the database after deletion is triggered before they are finally removed. By default, user accounts are finally deleted from the database after 30 days. First, the user accounts are disabled or blocked. You can reenable the user accounts up until deferred deletion runs. After deferred deletion is run, the user accounts are deleted from the database and cannot be restored anymore.

You have the following options for configuring deferred deletion.

  • Global deferred deletion: Deferred deletion applies to user accounts in all target system. The default value is 30 days.

    In the Designer, enter a different value for deferred deletion in the Deferred deletion [days] property of the SPSUser table.

  • Object-specific deferred deletion: Deferred deletion can be configured depending on certain properties of the accounts.

    To use object-specific deferred deletion, in the Designer, create a Script (deferred deletion) for the SPSUser table.


    Deferred deletion of privileged user accounts is 10 days. The following Script (deferred deletion) is entered in the table.

    If Not $IsPrivilegedAccount:Bool$ Then

    Value = 10

    End If

For detailed information on editing table definitions and configuring deferred deletion in the Designer, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

NOTE: SharePoint user accounts cannot be locked. A user account marked for deletion remains enabled until deferred deletion has expired and the user account is finally deleted from the One Identity Manager database.

Lock the user account linked to the SharePoint user account as authentication object to prevent a user from logging into a site when the SharePoint user account is marked for deletion.

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