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Identity Manager 9.1.1 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Oracle E-Business Suite

Mapping an Oracle E-Business Suite in One Identity Manager Synchronizing Oracle E-Business Suite
Setting up initial synchronization of Oracle E-Business Suite Customizing the synchronization configuration Running synchronization Tasks following synchronization Troubleshooting Ignoring data error in synchronization Pausing handling of target system specific processes (Offline mode)
Managing E-Business Suite user accounts and employees Login information Managing entitlement assignments Mapping of E-Business Suite objects in One Identity Manager Handling of E-Business Suite objects in the Web Portal Basic configuration data Configuration parameters for managing Oracle E-Business Suite Permissions required for synchronizing with Oracle E-Business Suite Default project templates for synchronizing an Oracle E-Business Suite Editing system objects Example of a schema extension file

Email notifications about login data

You can configure the login information for new user accounts to be sent by email to a specified person. In this case, two messages are sent with the user name and the initial password. Mail templates are used to generate the messages. The mail text in a mail template is defined in several languages. This means the recipient’s language can be taken into account when the email is generated. Mail templates are supplied in the default installation with which you can configure the notification procedure.

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to use notifications:

  • Ensure that the email notification system is configured in One Identity Manager. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.
  • In the Designer, set the Common | MailNotification | DefaultSender configuration parameter and enter the sender address for sending the email notifications.
  • Ensure that all employees have a default email address. Notifications are sent to this address. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.
  • Ensure that a language can be determined for all employees. Only then can they receive email notifications in their own language. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

When a randomly generated password is issued for the new user account, the initial login data for a user account is sent by email to a previously specified person.

To send initial login data by email

  1. In the Designer, set the TargetSystem | EBS | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword configuration parameter.

  2. In the Designer, set the TargetSystem | EBS | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo configuration parameter and enter the message recipient as a value.

    If no recipient can be found, the email is sent to the address stored in the TargetSystem | EBS | DefaultAddress configuration parameter.

  3. In the Designer, set the TargetSystem | EBS | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo | MailTemplateAccountName configuration parameter.

    By default, the message sent uses the Employee - new user account created mail template. The message contains the name of the user account.

  4. In the Designer, set the TargetSystem | EBS | Accounts | InitialRandomPassword | SendTo | MailTemplatePassword configuration parameter.

    By default, the message sent uses the Employee - initial password for new user account mail template. The message contains the initial password for the user account.

TIP: To use custom mail templates for emails of this type, change the value of the configuration parameter.

Managing entitlement assignments

E-Business Suite User accounts are assigned permissions for objects Oracle E-Business Suite by means of responsibilities. Responsibilities cannot be assigned to user accounts directly. Instead, they are inherited by means of security groups. Permissions in Oracle E-Business Suite are characterized by the combination of responsibilities and security groups. These combinations are mapped in the One Identity Manager database as E-Business Suite permissions.

In Oracle E-Business Suite, entitlements can be assigned to user accounts directly and indirectly. Multiple indirect assignments with different validity periods can exist. Indirect assignments are imported into One Identity Manager and can be used for evaluations and reports. Direct assignments are also imported. For each user account there can be only one direct assignment.

In One Identity Manager, E-Business Suite entitlements can also be assigned directly or indirectly. Entitlement assignments made in One Identity Manager are transferred to Oracle E-Business Suite as direct assignments. The system then determines the assignment with the effective validity period out of all the entitlement assignments for a user account.

In the One Identity Manager database, direct, and indirect entitlement assignments are identified as follows.

Table 24: Identification of direct and indirect entitlement assignments in EBSUserInResp table

Assignment origin

Type of assignment


(Column OriginIndirect)


(Column XOrigin)

Oracle E-Business Suite


1 (yes)



0 (no)


One Identity Manager


0 (no)



0 (no)



0 (no)


For more information about calculating assignments in One Identity Manager, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

Detailed information about this topic

Assigning E-Business Suite entitlements to user accounts in One Identity Manager

In One Identity Manager, E-Business Suite entitlements can be assigned directly or indirectly to employees. In the case of indirect assignment, employees and entitlements are organized in hierarchical roles. The number of entitlements assigned to an employee is calculated from the position in the hierarchy and the direction of inheritance. If the employee has an E-Business Suite user account, the entitlements are assigned to this user account.

Entitlements can also be assigned to employees through IT Shop requests. To enable the assignment of entitlements using IT Shop requests, employees are added as customers in a shop. All entitlements assigned to this shop as products can be requested by the customers. After approval is granted, requested entitlements are assigned to the employees.

You can use system roles to group entitlements together and assign them to employees as a package. You can create system roles that contain only E-Business Suite entitlements. You can also group any number of company resources into a system role.

To react quickly to special requests, you can also assign the E-Business Suite entitlements directly to user accounts.

For more information see the following guides:



Basic principles for assigning and inheriting company resources

One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide

One Identity Manager Business Roles Administration Guide

Assigning company resources through IT Shop requests

One Identity Manager IT Shop Administration Guide

System roles

One Identity Manager System Roles Administration Guide

Detailed information about this topic

Prerequisites for indirect assignment of E-Business Suite entitlements to E-Business Suite user accounts

In the case of indirect assignment, employees and E-Business Suite entitlements are assigned to hierarchical roles, such as departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles. When assigning E-Business Suite entitlements indirectly, check the following settings and modify them if necessary.

  1. Assignment of employees and E-Business Suite entitlements is permitted for role classes (departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles).

    For more information, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

  2. Settings for assigning E-Business Suite entitlements to E-Business Suite user accounts.

    • E-Business Suite user accounts are labeled with the Groups can be inherited option.

    • E-Business Suite user accounts are linked with an employee through the UID_Person (Person) column.

    • E-Business Suite user accounts and E-Business Suite entitlements belong to the same E-Business Suitesystem.

NOTE: There are other configuration settings that play a role when company resources are inherited through departments, cost centers, locations, and business roles. For example, role inheritance might be blocked or inheritance of employees not allowed. For more detailed information about the basic principles for assigning company resources, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

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