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Identity Manager 9.2 - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Configuring the synchronization log Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences Copying synchronization projects
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Troubleshooting errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples

Issues migrating synchronization projects

After updating the One IdentityClosed Manager database, all synchronization projectsClosed are migrated. This updates the schemas and applies any automatic patches. The DPR_Migrate_Shell process is run to do this. If the process fails because, for example, the target systems could not be reached the effected synchronization project is deactivated. Therefore synchronization cannot run. When you open the synchronization project in the Synchronization EditorClosed, a detailed error message is displayed.

To use a synchronization project again after failed migration

  1. Solve the issue that prevented the migration.

    TIP: To display the error message

    1. In the Synchronization Editor, select the Edit > Edit synchronization project menu item.

    2. Select the Migration tab.

  2. Save the changes.
  3. Re-enable the DPR_Migrate_Shell process.

Related topics

Configuration parameters for target system synchronization

The following configuration parametersClosed are additionally available in One IdentityClosed Manager after the module has been installed.

Table 92: Configuration parameters for target system synchronization

Configuration parameters



General configuration parameter for target system synchronizationClosed.

DPR | Journal

General parameter for configuring the synchronization log.

DPR | Journal | LifeTime

This configuration parameter specifies the synchronization log's retention period (in days). Older logs are deleted from the database.

DPR | StartSequence

General parameter for configuring synchronization start up sequencesClosed.

DPR | StartSequence | LifeTime

Configuration parameter for specifying the retention period (in days) for completed synchronization start up sequences. Older entries are deleted from the database.


Synchronization EditorClosed user interface configuration.

DPR | UI | EncryptedValueHandling

The configuration parameter defines the Synchronization Editor behavior when handling encrypted values.

  • ByUser: Shows encryption dialog when the synchronization projectClosed opens.

  • IgnoreAll: Does not show encryption dialog when the synchronization project opens. All encrypted values are ignored by default. (default)

The following configuration parameters are also required.

Table 93: Additionally required configuration parameters

Configuration parameters


Common | Jobservice | RedoDelayMinutes

This configuration parameter specifies the wait time (latency) in minutes before the Job serverClosed attempts to run a process stepClosed again.

Configuration file examples

The following examples demonstrate the modifications required in the configuration files in order to automatically create or update synchronization projectsClosed.

Detailed information about this topic

Configuration file for creating new synchronization projects

The following extract from a configuration file contains the changes required for the example in section Customizing the configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SynchronizationEditorWorkspace Version="1.0">
    <Parameter Name="Database" Display="Connected database" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="DBUser" Display="Database server user" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False" ValueFormat="DBConnectionParameterValue"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="DBPassword" Display="Database server password" IsQueryParameter="True" IsSecret="True" ValueFormat="DBConnectionParameterValue"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="OneIMConnectorDBUser" ValueFormat="ConnectorConnectionParameterValue" Inherit="DBUser"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="OneIMConnectorDBPassword" ValueFormat="ConnectorConnectionParameterValue" Inherit="DBPassword"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="SystemUser" Display="One Identity Manager system user" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="SystemPassword" Display="Password of system user" IsQueryParameter="True" IsSecret="True" ValueFormat="DBConnectionParameterValue"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="Domain" Display="Distinguished name of the domain" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="DomainController" Display="Distinguished name of the domain controller" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="ADUser" Display="Active Directory user" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="ADUserPassword" Display="Password of Active Directory user" IsQueryParameter="True" IsSecret="True"></Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="SyncProject" Display="Synchronization Project" IsQueryParameter="False" IsSecret="False"></Parameter>
    <Data Name="WorkDatabase.ConnectionString" Display="Connection string" Type="System.String, mscorlib">data source=DatabaseServerName;initial catalog=$Database$;user id=$DBUser$;pooling=False;Password=$DBPassword$</Data>
    <Data Name="WorkDatabase.AuthenticationString" Display="Authentication string" Type="System.String, mscorlib">Module=ADSAccount;User[VI.DB_USER]=$SystemUser$;(Password)Password[VI.DB_Password]=$SystemPassword$</Data>
    <!-- … -->
    <Editor Name="ShellWizard" Type="VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard, VI.Projector.Editor">
      <!-- … -->
      <Data Name="ShellDisplay" Display="Script display name" Type="System.String mscorlib">$SyncProject$</Data>
      <!-- … -->
      <Data Name="MainConnection.ConnectionParameter" Display="Connection parameter" Type="System.String, mscorlib">Authentication=ProjectorAuthenticator;data source=DatabaseServerName; DBFactory="VI.DB.ViSqlFactory, VI.DB";initial catalog=$Database$;password=$OneIMConnectorDBPassword$; pooling=False;user id=$OneIMConnectorDBUser$</Data>
      <!-- … -->
      <Data Name="ConnectedSystemConnection.ConnectionParameter" Display="Connection parameter" Type="System.String, mscorlib">ADAuthentication=1;ADEnableras=False;ADEnablerecyclebin=False; ADEnableterminal=True;ADPort=389;ADRootdn=$Domain$;ADServer=$DomainController$; ADTypeEnableExtensions=True;ADTypeExtensions=;baseloginaccount=$ADUser$; basepassword=$ADUserPassword$</Data>
      <!-- … -->
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