Diagnostic logging for the token import operations is turned on by default. The path to the log file is %ProgramData%\One Identity\Defender\Diagnostics\Token Import\Token Import.txt on the computer where Defender Administration Console is installed.
Diagnostic logging for the token import operations is turned on by default. The path to the log file is %ProgramData%\One Identity\Defender\Diagnostics\Token Import\Token Import.txt on the computer where Defender Administration Console is installed.
Diagnostic logging for the token programming operations is turned on by default. The path to the log file is %ProgramData%\One Identity\Defender\Diagnostics\Token Programming\Token Programming.txt.
To enable diagnostic logging for VPN Integrator
Normally, the path to the VPN Integrator installation directory is %ProgramFiles%\One Identity\Defender\VPN Integrator.
trace level = 9
trace filename = <logpath>
For example, with "trace filename = C:\pgvc_trace", the log files are held in the folder C:\pgvc_trace.
To disable diagnostic logging for VPN Integrator, remove these lines from the pgwc.ini file:
trace level = 9
trace filename = <logpath>
To enable diagnostic logging for Web Service API
Normally, the path to the Web Service API installation directory is %ProgramFiles%\One Identity\Defender\Web Service API.
You can find the log file DefenderWebServiceApi.txt in the Logs folder in the Web Service API installation directory. Normally, the path to the log file is %ProgramFiles%\One Identity\Defender\Web Service API\Logs\DefenderWebServiceApi.txt.
To disable diagnostic logging for Web Service API, set these values in the DefenderAdminService.exe.config file:
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