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Identity Manager Data Governance Edition 8.1.4 - Technical Insight Guide

One Identity Manager Data Governance Edition Technical Insight Guide Data Governance Edition network communications Data Governance service Data Governance agents Resource activity collection in Data Governance Edition Cloud managed hosts permission level to role mapping QAM module tables Configurable configuration file settings
Data Governance service configuration file settings Data Governance agent configuration file settings
Configurable registry settings PowerShell commands
Adding the PowerShell snap-ins Finding component IDs Data Governance Edition deployment Service account management Managed domain deployment Agent deployment Managed host deployment Account access management Resource access management Governed data management Classification management


Upgrades the format of existing governed data in the database after an upgrade from Version 6.1.1 or earlier.

Note: This is a requirement for upgrading to Data Governance Edition Version 6.1.2 or 6.1.3.


Upgrade-QDataUnderGovernanceRecords [<CommonParameters>]

Classification management

Classification is included in Data Governance Edition, however you should first define the classification levels in Data Governance Edition to match those defined by your company. Once defined, you can use these classification levels to classify governed resources.

The following commands are available to manage the classification levels used in your Data Governance Edition deployment and to assign a classification level to a governed resource. For full parameter details and examples, click a command hyperlink in the table or see the command help, using the Get-Help command.

Table 248: Group template management commands

Use this command

If you want to


Define a new classification level for use in your Data Governance Edition deployment.

For more information, see Add-QClassificationLevel.


Retrieve details about the classification levels configured in your Data Governance Edition deployment.

For more information, see Get-QClassificationLevelConfiguration.


Retrieve a list of governed resources assigned a specific classification level.

For more information, see Get-QDataUnderGovernanceByClassificationLevel.


Remove a classification level from your Data Governance Edition deployment.

For more information, see Remove-QClassificationLevel.


Update an existing classification level in your Data Governance Edition deployment.

For more information, see Set-QClassificationLevel.


Assign a classification level to a governed resource.

For more information, see Set-QClassificationLevelOnDuG.


Defines a new classification level for use in your Data Governance Edition deployment.


Add-QClassifictionLevel [-Name] <String> [-Description] <String> [[-SortOrder] <Int>] [<CommonParamters>]

Table 249: Parameters
Parameter Description

Specify the name to be associated with the new classification level.

The length of the name is limited to 512 characters. Any text is allowed, including spaces and other 'special characters'.


Enter descriptive text to be associated with the new classification level.

Any text is allowed, including spaces and other 'special characters'.


(Optional) Specify the display order of the new classification level.

The classification levels are displayed in ascending order based on SortOrder. If no SortOrder value is specified, the classification level will appear at the top of the list.

Table 250: Examples
Example Description

Add-QClassificationLevel -Name "Internal Eyes Only" -Description "Intended for internal distribution within the organization." -SortOrder 1

Adds a new "Internal Eyes Only" classification level.


Retrieves details about the classification levels configured in your Data Governance Edition deployment.


Get-QClassificationLevelConfiguration [<CommonParameters>]

Table 251: Examples
Example Description
Get-QClassificationLevelConfiguration Returns details about each classification levels previously configured, including the classification ID.
Details retrieved:

For each classification level configured, this cmdlet returns the following details.

Table 252: Details retrieved
Detail Description (Associated property in QAMClassificationLevel table)
Id The identifier assigned to the classification level by Data Governance Edition (UID_QAMClassificationLevel).
Name The name of the classification level. For example: Critical Handling (Name).
Description The descriptive text associated with the classification level (Description).
SortOrder The display order value assigned to the classification level (SortOrder).
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