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Identity Manager 9.3 - Administration Guide for Connecting to ServiceNow

ServiceNow Module Overview Installation One Identity Manager for Service Catalog ServiceNow Mid Server Support Logging Troubleshooting

One Identity Manager Approval

Once the IT Shop Item is approved in the One Identity ServiceNow application, the request is then processed by the defined approval process in One Identity manager. Optionally ITShop approval policy could be configured in such a way that self-service approval takes place when the request has been raised and approved in ServiceNow while request raised from One Identity Manager goes over the regular approval process. This way approvals do not need to take place multiple times for request raised from ServiceNow.

For more information on IT Shop Request approval process please refer to the Identity Manager 8.1 - IT Shop Administration Guide.

Customizing the Application

Clients can tailor the core functionality of the catalog application by leveraging Script Includes. While the default Script Includes containing core business logic are read-only, the application provides extended Script Includes for customization.

Clients can use these extended Script Includes to write their own business logic, enabling seam-less customization while preserving the integrity of the core application.

One Identity Manager Login Logging Customization Example


Customers require enhanced logging during the application login process. This example demonstrates how to achieve this by leveraging inheritance and code overrides within the CommonHelper script.


  1. Use extended CommonHelper Script

    1. Open commonHelperChild.

    2. Within commonHelperChild, define a new method named loginToOneIMApiServer that replicates the functionality of the existing meth-od in commonHelper. However, this new method should incorporate the desired logging functionality.

    3. Save the commonHelperChild script.

  2. Clone OneIMLogin Widget

    1. Create a copy of the OneIMLoginPage widget.
    2. In the server-side script of the OneIMLoginPage widget, locate the reference to commonHelper.
    3. Update the copied widget's script to reference the commonHelperChild script instead of commonHelper.
  3. Update Application Page

    1. Open the Service portal pages.
    2. Navigate to OneIMLoginPage page and open the page in designer.
    3. Replace the existing instance of the OneIMLoginPage widget with the cloned copy created in step 2.
  4. Verify Functionality
    1. Access the application through the Service Portal.
    2. Attempt to log in to the application.
  5. Review Logs
    1. Navigate to the ServiceNow application log page.

    2. You should now observe the additional login activity logs captured by the customized loginToOneIMApiServer method within commonHelperChild.

Create One Identity Manager employee from ServiceNow

One Identity Manager ServiceNow Application allows admin to create a new employee for One Identity Manager using ServiceNow “One Identity Manager for Person OnBoarding” feature. The detailed procedure to create an employee is explained below.

NOTE: Ensure that the data has been synced from One identity manager to ServiceNow tables.

To create an employee from ServiceNow Person OnBoarding Catalog page

  1. From the ServiceNow instance portal navigate to the Catalog page.

  2. Search for One Identity Manager for Person OnBoarding.

  3. Enter the required details and click on submit.

Detailed explanation of the fields

Table 2: Fields
Field Names Description


First name of the employee


Last name of the employee

Contact Email Address

The email address of the employee


Gender of the employee

Primary department

Department to which the employee is primary assigned

Primary Cost Center

Cost center to which the employee is primary assigned

Primary Location

Location to which the employee is primary assigned

Primary Business Role

Business role to which the employee is assigned

Person Manager

Select the Person Manager for the new employee

Person Sponsor

Select the Person Sponsor for the new employee. The sponsor is the ServiceNow user requesting for new employee

Date of Birth

This field will determine the date of birth of employee

Entry Date/Time

Date the employee started at the company. The Entry date is in user's configured timezone. The time will be converted into GMT format in the One Identity Manager

Employee Type

Employee type of the new Employee. This field is auto populated from the Configuration parameters "default_employee_type"


Additional information about the Employee


  • Either one of the fields, "Person Manager" or "Person Sponsor" is mandatory. Person manager is given the preference if both are selected.

  • Person Manager or Person Sponsor must have approver_role to approve the request.

  • To view the Person OnBoarding form, the user must have x_oni_oneim_addon.admin role.

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