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Identity Manager 9.3 - Epic Healthcare System Administration Guide

Managing an Epic health care system Setting up synchronization with an Epic health care system Basic Data for managing an Epic health care system Epic Connection Epic EMP User Accounts Epic EMP template Epic EMP subtemplate Epic SER Items Epic SER Provider accounts Epic SER Blueprints Epic SER Template Security Matrix Configuration parameters for managing Epic health care system Default project template for Epic

Deleting the Epic EMP subtemplate

To delete the Epic EMP subtemplate

  1. Remove the Epic EMP subtemplatefrom the SubTemplate.csv file
  2. In Synchronization Editor, run the synchronization project

    The Epic EMP subtemplate is marked as outstanding in One Identity Manger.

  3. Remove the Epic EMP subtemplate assignment from the Epic EMP user in One Identity Manager.

  4. Delete the Epic EMP subtemplate from the outstanding object

    The Epic EMP subtemplate is deleted from the One Identity Manager database and all the associated Epic EMP subtemplate to the Epic EMP User.

Epic SER Items

Epic SER items are the fields (or attributes) that each Epic SER provider account has in Epic target system. The Epic SER item values can be non-complex and complex. The non-complex values are simple or single-valued whereas complex values are multivalued or relational groups. The SERItems.csv file found in the EPC module’s miscellaneous folder contains the supported list of SER items.

Format of the CSV file SERItems.csv

The CSV file SERItems.csv has a specific format with the columns SER Item Number, SER Field Number and SER Item Name.

The columns in the SERItems.csv file are:

Table 31: CSV fields
Property Description
SER Item Number The SER Item Number

SER Field Number

The SER Field Number

SER Item Name

The SER Item Name

Editing SER items

The SER Field Number that corresponds to the SER Item Number needs to be checked and updated if necessary, as related to the Epic installation. The updated SERItems.csv file should be part of the configured CSV import directory (The CSV import directory was configured when you created the synchronization project). The SER Items is loaded in to the One Identity Manager by synchronization.

If the CSV import directory is a local folder on the job server and One Identity Manager workstation, make sure to copy the SERItems.csv file to both the job server’s and One Identity Manager workstation’s local folder.

If the CSV import directory is a network share, make sure it is accessible from both the job server and One Identity Manager workstation.

Overview of Epic SER item

Use this task to obtain an overview of the Epic SER item.

To obtain an overview of an Epic SER item

  1. Select Epic health care | SER items.

  2. Select the Epic SER item in the result list.

  3. Select the task Epic SER item overview.

The overview of Epic SER item displays information for the Epic SER item which includes display name, Epic SER field number, Epic SER item number and Epic SER provider column.

Master data for Epic SER item

Use this task to view the master data for the Epic SER item.

To view master data of an Epic SER item

  1. Select Epic health care | SER items.

  2. Select the Epic SER item in the result list.

  3. Select the task Epic SER item master data.

Table 32: Master data for Epic SER item
Property Description
Display name Display name of the Epic SER item

Epic SER item number

Epic SER item’s field number

Epic SER field number

Epic SER item's item number.

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