Both the SPP client and the SSH server must support the same cipher. If you run Test Connection against an asset that uses SSH and there is no cipher supported by both the client and the server, SPP displays an error message that says, Connecting to asset XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX failed (There is no cipher supported by both: client and server). This means that during the setup of the asset connection, the SPP client and the SSH server did not have matching ciphers for message encryption. In this case, you must modify the SSH server's configuration by adding at least one cipher supported by SPP to the list of ciphers.

SPP supports these ciphers:

  • 3des
  • 3des-ctr
  • aes128
  • aes128-ctr
  • aes192
  • aes192-ctr
  • aes256
  • aes256-ctr
  • arcfour
  • arcfour128
  • arcfour256
  • blowfish
  • blowfish-ctr
  • cast128
  • cast128-ctr
  • des
  • idea
  • idea-ctr
  • none
  • serpent128
  • serpent128-ctr
  • serpent192
  • serpent192-ctr
  • serpent256
  • serpent256-ctr
  • twofish128
  • twofish128-ctr
  • twofish192
  • twofish192-ctr
  • twofish256
  • twofish256-ctr

For example, if using an OpenSSH server with a default list of ciphers, you must add one or more of these ciphers in the OpenSSH's sshd_config file, and then restart the SSH server. For more information about OpenSSH ciphers, see