In version 7, SPS connection policies will only show up in SPP if they meet certain requirements. ... <p><span class="uiOutputText" dir="ltr"> </span></p>
Safeguard for Privileged Passwords does not use Apache Common Text, therefore is not affected by CVE-2022-42889.
When emergency access is enabled, build an escalation notification contact list, by entering an email address or selecting To to choose an email address of a Safeguard for Privileged Passwords user.
To request a RMA number, the customer must submit a service request via the Support Portal, or by calling Support using one of the Regional Contact Numbers listed here. ... One Identity Support may request additional information when shipping an RMA to certain countries.
When trying to restore a deleted user through it's ID, an error 400 is received. ... The error occurs due to the JSON parser's inability to properly convert data into a DTO. ... A valid entity body must be provided to enable successful restoration of the user.
DiscoverServices failed. ... ArgumentException (ArgumentException) An item with the same key has already been added. ... Key: GUEST. ... Guest user exists locally and in Active Directory with same username
For any of the below hotfixes, please open a case with the Identity Manager support team. ... Safeguard ... 7.0 LTS ... Identity Manager 9.3.0 ... IMPORTANT NOTES: ... Please ensure your versions are compatible before performing an upgrade of any system.
What are the steps to perform a factory reset from the recovery kiosk or MGMT network interface on physical devices? <p>A factory reset on a device, will revert it back to the factory version or Long Term Support (LTS) version.
After upgrading SPP to version 8.0 LTS, be aware that the following changes are required post the upgrade: ... A new license is required to be installed after the upgrade to 8.0 LTS release. ... After the new license is installed, Appliance Administrators must read and accept the Software Transaction Agreement.
No platform is defined with ID AzureADv182fe1a5c5c8b4420cacc7f563236618a4 ... WORKAROUND: ... For SPP versions below 7.5: Upgrade to latest feature release 7.5.x or latest LTS release 8.0 or above then perform steps below.
Is it possible for a administrator to disable email notifications for users such as the "Access Request Approved" email? ... Is it possible to disable all or some email for users without requiring users to disable email notifications themselves?
Unable to add a node to cluster. ... Message: The requested redirect Url has host that does not match the configured redirect value(s). ... Redirect configuration issue. ... Update the setting at Appliance Management | External Integration | Trusted Servers, CORS and Redirects.
Having over 2000 entries to add a credential retrieval HTTP error 400 appears when trying to add more while in the logs a correct result (status 200) is shown. ... URL length limits are imposed by the user's browser.
Go to the swagger web interface (https://ip_of_safeguard/service/appliance/swagger/), click "Authorize" and click "Authorize" again under oauth2 (OAuth2, implicit), input username and password to authorize the session, click "Close" back to the swagger API page
When typing in the search field the below error appears: ... Invalid filter property - 'AccountNamespace' is not a valid filter property name. ... Issue appeared after upgrade to SPP 8.0 LTS ... STATUS:
After configuring the policy on primary SPP and reboot all members in the cluster (SPP, SPS) the SPS connection policy on SPP is not shown then it reappears and the issue repeats itself causing intermittent session failure.
On the logon screen is it possible to define which Identity Provider is the default (Local, Active Directory, External Federation etc) <p>New feature # 455077 Default Authentication Provider for Login is now available in SPP version 8.0 LTS</p> 455077
The tables below show software versions that are tested and supported for installation on the corresponding SPP and SPS hardware models. ... (EOL) means the software version or hardware support is discontinued.
When doing a search or filter for any particular Account or Asset Discovery Rule, then all other listed rules get removed or deleted and only the searched rule remains listed. ... Change Request # 462848 will fix this issue in a future release of SPP
STATUS: Enhancement Request # 456725 has been raised with our Product team for consideration of inclusion within a future release of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords.
Go to View | and ensure “Advanced Features” is ticked</div> ... <div> </div> ... <div>Select a managed user who the service account should have permissions over. ... Right click and select Properties.
Users are unable to login to the Web UI and SPP showing high CPU and memory utilization.<br> This issue was caused by running multiple Entitlements Reports with a large dataset simultaneously <p>STATUS:<br>Change Request # 439648 was addressed in SPP version 7.5<br><br>WORKAROUND:<br>Educate the users to avoid running multiple Entitlements Reports simultaneously.<br><br> </p>
From Settings | Identity and Authentication, add a new External Federation. ... Enter name, description, and the realm (the realm should be the email or UPN suffix that users use to logon to Azure such as
<br><br>This does not impact deployments running on physical appliances, hosted in Azure, AWS, OCI or any ommited cloud platform that is officially supported. ... <br><br>Safeguard On Demand is not impacted by this issue.
More details are below. ... Versions need to be synchronized during an upgrade. ... For example, it is expected that SPS version 6.6 can be joined to SPP version 6.6, and if you upgrade SPS to version 6.7, you must also upgrade SPP to 6.7.
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