This document details how Quick Connect and the Active Roles Sync Service behaves (encryption-wise) when performing password synchronization between its supported systems. ... Quick Connect and the Active Roles Sync Service behaves in the following manner when synching passwords:
Password synchronization may be failing with the following error recorded in Quick Connect console under Sync History | Search, if the target Active Directory connection is selected: ... The password does not meet the password policy requirements.
<p class="MsoNoSpacing" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;"> </span></p> ... <p class="MsoNoSpacing" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">The log grows in size quickly.
One Identity open source projects are supported through One Identity GitHub issues and the One Identity Community. ... This includes all scripts, plugins, SDKs, modules, code snippets or other solutions.
You may encounter an error when mapping Azure with AD or ActiveRoles, when the mapping is configured to look at the ImmutableID of the Azure User and the ObjectGUID attribute of the AD or ActiveRoles user.
Unable to install the hot fix to correct the Google connector issue for cloud services 3.6. ... The following error will be presented during the attempted install: ... The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program.
Some attributes in Google Apps, such as the Group Owner or the Group Manager attribute, support multiple values. ... Attempting to merge multiple local attribute into these Google attribute using One Identity Quick Connect for Cloud Services 3.6.1 will fail.
Is it possible to manipulate the check box remove user from opportunity teams of open opportunities using the SalesForce connector within Quick Connect <p>No, this is currently not possible with the product.</p><p>WORKAROUND</p><p>None</p><p>STATUS</p><p>Enhancement request number TF00450628 has been to the product team for consideration in a future release of the product.</p> TF00450628
When attempting to install Quick Connect, the installation fails with the error: ... You must run the Setup with elevated privileges (run as Administrator) ... The installation requires elevated privileges and User Account Control is enabled.
Quick Connect tries to update the user's name when updating the Manager field with an object reference rule. ... <p>WORKAROUND</p><ol><li>On the machine hosting the Quick Connect Sync Engine component, navigate to the following folder:<br><br><em>C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest One Quick Connect\Office365Connector</em></li><li>Open the file named <strong>connectorconfig.xml</strong>
You may have noticed that the connector for Workday has been removed from the latest iteration of the product: Quick Connect for Cloud Services 3.7. ... The decision has been made at the product management level.
Does Quick Connect allow the ability to provide an explicit list of objects to be read on the Microsoft Office 365 side before synching? <p>No, this is currently not an option for Quick Connect.</p><p>WORKAROUND</p><p>None</p><p>STATUS</p><p>Enhancement request TF00415379 has been submitted for considerstation in a future release of Quick Connect Office 365 connector.</p> TF00415379
After inputting the required fields within the Active Roles Add-on For Office 365 application and clicking apply the following errors may be presented: ... or ... Incomplete installation pre-requisites.
When updating Group membership with Office 365, the following error message is encountered: ... Cannot perform the requested action, because an Office 365 cmdlet has returned the following error: This group member does not exist.
You may have noticed that the Usercertificate attribute of O365 contacts are not available in the QC Synch Engine, even after extending the connector’s attributes: ...
It is possible to improve a Quick Connect or Active Roles Synchronization Service connector’s performance by enabling multithreading. ... Multithreading works as a cache: the code caches connection information and re-uses it for faster processing of various critical operations, often resulting in better performance.
You may require a list of Event IDs for the monitoring password synchronization. ... rowspan="1" style="width: 493px;"><p>User password was set.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 130px;"><p align="center">10202</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 493px;"><p>User password was changed.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 130px;"><p align="center">10203</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 493px;"><p>User password set operation was failed.</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" style="width: 130px;"><p
You may have noticed that the Office 365 connector, from the One Identity Quick Connect for Cloud Services 3.6.1, is not displaying the Manager Attribute for synchronization. ... WORKAROUND ... None available.
Those are not displayed by the Office 365 Connector and therefore are not available for synchronization. ... For some connectors, the connector schema definition can be extended with a simple XML modification.
Is the Active Roles Add-on for Office 365 3.0 compatible to QC Synch Engine 5.4.1 and QC for Cloud Services 3.6.1? ... The Active Roles Add-on for Office 365 3.0 will only work with the ARS Sync Service and is not be compatible with QC Synch Engine 5.4.1 and QC for Cloud Services 3.6.1.
Quick Connect reports an error when creating users but it has actually succeeded to create the user. ... Quest.QuickConnect.Connectors.Office365Connector.PowerShellRunspace.Execute 2013-12-02 15:23:43.8027 18 Error --> Outgoing exception Quest.QuickConnect.ServerCommon.ErrorHandling.SimpleErrorHandler.HandleError System.ApplicationException: Cannot perform the requested operation, because an Office 365 cmdlet has returned the following error: The operation couldn't be performed because object 'c25bc468-c67a-4d39-be8d-c96b1914a596' couldn't be found on ''.
A critical vulnerability was recently discovered related to systems/software that run Apache Log4j ... This is an industry-wide vulnerability affecting the Apache Log4j itself and is not specific to Quick Connect
QC for Cloud Services table containing information about how each connector encrypts data. ... SSL Communications support ... Yes ... Quick Connect uses Windows PowerShell cmdlets to communicate with Office 365.
Does Quick Connect for Cloud Services have the ability to add permission sets for users via workflows for the Salesforce connector? ... Currently this feature is not available. ... Enhancement Request TF00195807 has been submitted to consider this feature in one of the future releases.
When trying to establish a connection to Windows Azure Active Directory, the following errors are prompted: ... Or ... Cannot connect using the specified connection settings. ... Value cannot be null.
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