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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - API Designer User and Development Guide

API Designer Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit Quick start – Creating an API Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API files API Server ImxClient command line program

Find and replace

Open the search function over Edit | Find and replace (see Running a search).

Use the Find and replace dialog to search for (and replace) certain captions or items within your project. The following table gives an overview of the various features within the Find and replace dialog.

Table 13: Controls for find and replace
Control Description


Enter the term to be found.

TIP: To reuse terms from previous searches, click the arrow to the right of the field and select the required term.

Find as

Select whether you would like to search using simple text or by wildcards or regular expressions.

Replace by

(Optional) Enter the text that will replace the text found.

Find scope

If you would like to further narrow the search, you can select which objects you would like to search for here:

  • Current document: Only the current document is included in the search.

  • Current document and its extensions: Only the current document and all of its extensions are included in the search.

  • Current document and its parent documents: Only the current document and all of its parent items are included in the search.

  • Below the selected object: Only the objects below the current object are included in the search.

  • All API Designer objects: All objects are included in the search.

Find options

Configure other search settings:

  • Case sensitive: API Designer finds only occurrences of the text that match the case that you have entered into the Find field.

  • Whole word: Only the whole word is included in the search. Example: If you enter Person, the search will only find “person” and not “persons.”

  • Match entire value: API Designer finds only objects containing the exact values that match the text you have entered into the Find field.

  • Filter by type: Select the objects to which your search will be limited.


Finds and opens the next occurrence of the term.

Find all

Triggers a search that lists all occurrences of the text in the Find results pane.

Find results

Lists all occurrences of the term.


Replaces the occurrence of the term that you have highlighted in Find results with the text that you have entered in the Replace by field.

Replace all

Replaces all occurrences of the term that you have selected in the Replace column under Find results with the text that you have entered in the Replace by field.


Use wildcards to replace a single character, or a string of characters, using a single character when searching for strings. The most common wildcards are the question mark (?), to symbolize an individual character, and the asterisk (*), to symbolize any combination of characters.

To use wildcards in the Find and replace dialog, enter the search term into the Find field and select the Wildcards option from the Find as list.


The following table gives some examples of wildcard searches:

Sample term



Finds "person," "position," "plugin," and so on.


Finds "person," "personal," "perfection," and so on.


Finds "API.json" but not "APIProject.json."

Regular expressions

Regular expressions (also known as "regex" or "regexp") are similar to wildcards in that they also allow you to find strings. Regular expressions are more effective than wildcards, however.

To use regular expressions in the Find and replace dialog, enter the search term into the Find field and select the Regular expressions option from the Find as list.


The following table gives some examples of regular expressions:

Regular expression



Any lowercase Latin letter


Any uppercase Latin letter


A digit


A character that is not a digit


A letter, a digit, or an underscore


A character that is neither a letter, a number, nor an underscore


Blank space


A character that is not a blank space


The preceding term must occur exactly "n" number of times.

Example: C{3} finds "CCC”



Example: Regex|Regexp finds "Regex" or "Regexp”


The preceding term is optional, it can occur once, but does not need to, that is, the term either occurs once or not at all.

Related topics

Running a search

You can perform a search of the whole project, or parts of it, at any time.

To run a search

  1. Click Edit | Find and replace on the menu bar.

  2. In the Find and replace dialog, enter a search term in the Find field.

  3. In the Find as list, select whether you would like to search using simple text or by wildcards or regular expressions.

  4. (Optional) In the Replace by field, enter the text to replace the text in the search.

  5. In the Find scope list, select which objects you would like to include in the search.

  6. (Optional) In the Find options pane, click Expand to configure further search settings.

  7. Click Find or Find all.

    The search results are displayed in the Find results pane

  8. In the Find options pane, click Expand to configure further search settings.

  9. (Optional) Double-click a result in the results list.

    This marks and displays the corresponding nodes in the definition tree view.

  10. (Optional) To replace a result, highlight it in the Find results pane and click Replace.

  11. (Optional) To replace several results, enable the checkbox next to the relevant results and click Replace all.

Related topics

Multilingual captions

Open the Multilingual captions dialog using Captions.

Use the Multilingual captions dialog to add, edit, or delete captions in multiple languages. You can use this text later in your API or web application.

Before adding or editing multilingual captions, define objects in your project that output captions in your API. You create keys for these objects. You assign a text to the keys for each language. This means that the keys are translated into the different languages you wish to use.

You can create and edit keys and translations on the Captions tab in the Multilingual captions dialog The following table gives an overview of the various features within the Multilingual captions dialog.

Table 14: Controls




Creates a new caption. For more information, see Creating multilingual captions.


Deletes the caption selected in the results list. For more information, see Deleting a multilingual caption.


Saves the changes. For more information, see Editing a multilingual caption.

Search mask

In this pane, you can search for existing captions and edit them. For more information, see Searching for a multilingual caption.

Result list

Lists the results generated by the search. For more information, see Searching for a multilingual caption.


You can edit captions in this pane. For more information, see Creating multilingual captions and Editing a multilingual caption.

Related topics

Creating multilingual captions

You can create multilingual captions at any time.

To create a multilingual caption

  1. Click Captions on the menu bar.

  2. Click Add on the toolbar in the Multilingual captions dialog.

  3. In the Edit pane, enter a unique value in the Key field to be used to reference the text.

    NOTE: If you have not added a translation for a language, the API will use the caption that has been saved under Key.
  4. Select the caption’s language in the Language list.

  5. Enter the caption to be shown for the selected language in the Text field.

  6. Repeat the previous two steps for all the required languages.

  7. Click Save on the toolbar in the Multilingual captions dialog.

  8. Click Apply.

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