Steps to reproduce:
Call a report with a SingleObjectHistory data source where changes exist in the history for a column with LimitedValues. Example: VI_Person_Overview_with_History, column with Change and Limited Value Person.Gender
Expected result:
The appropriate LimitedValue- displays come back in the data source for the OldValueDisplay and NewValueDisplay columns.
So OldValue=0, NewValue=1,OldValueDisplay="0 - unknown" (or "0 - unknown" depending on the culture of the connection), NewValueDisplay="1 - male" (or "1 - male" depending on the culture of the connection).
Different result:
Currently OldValue=0, NewValue=1,OldValueDisplay=0, NewValueDisplay=1 comes.
This is related to Product Defect ID CR 34723.
The One Identity Manager product team has acknowledged this as a product defect tracked by CR ID #34723. This is scheduled for inclusion in the next Identity Manager Feature Release v8.1.6. Please contact support if you require this hotfix referencing your version of Identity Manager and Product Defect id CR 34723.
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