October 2018
This hotfix includes the changes listed in the following sections. This hotfix addresses a functionality issue. One Identity may generate additional hotfixes for future releases of the product.
Please download One Identity Manager 8.0.2 Hotfix 62961 by clicking here.
The following files are included in this hotfix package:
This hotfix updates the following files compared to the One Identity Manager 8.0.2 release:
Table 1: Updated Files |
Database Scripts |
\SCN\database\MSSQL\Migration\v80\2017.0001.0027.0000.sql |
\SCN\database\MSSQL\Migration\v80\2017.0011.0004.0000.sql |
\SCN\database\MSSQL\Migration\v80\2017.0011.0004.0201.sql |
XML Files |
\SCN\database\MSSQL\ControlFile2SchemaUpdate80.xml |
\SCN\database\DatabaseInfo.xml |
The following is a list of issues resolved in this hotfix.
Table 2: Resolved issues
Resolved issue | Issue ID |
Unable to install other modules post ServiceNow Module installation (SCN).
| 62961 |
Table 3: Products affected by this hotfix
Product name | Version |
One Identity Manager | 8.0.2 |
NOTE: This hotfix is applicable only if SCN is already installed.
To install the hotfix
update DialogDatabase set SingleUserProcess=0
select DisplayValue, ModuleName, ModuleVersion, MigrationVersion, ModuleInfoXml from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName<>'CCC' order by SortOrder, DisplayValue
Delete from QBMModuleDef where ModuleInfoXML Is Null
NOTE: After successful execution of above mentioned SQL queries and replacing of SCN folder in the Installation directory, the update database operation with additional modules should be successful.
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