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Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS - Web Interface User Guide

Getting Started Web Interface Basics Performing Management Tasks Using Approval workflows Glossary

Managing computer resources

You can use the Web Interface to manage the following computer resources:

  • Services: Start or stop a service, view or modify properties of a service.

  • Network file shares: Create a file share, view or modify properties of a file share, stop sharing a folder.

  • Logical printers: Pause, resume or cancel printing, list documents being printed, view or modify properties of a printer.

  • Documents being printed (print jobs): Pause, resume, cancel or restart printing of a document, view or modify properties of a document being printed.

  • Local groups: Create or delete a group, add or remove members from a group, rename a group, view or modify properties of a group.

    NOTE: This task is not available on Domain Controllers (DCs).

  • Local users: Create or delete a local user account, set a password for a local user account, rename a local user account, view or modify properties of a local user account.

    NOTE: This task is not available on DCs.

  • Devices: View or modify properties of a logical device, start or stop a logical device.

To manage computer resources

  1. In the Web Interface, locate the computer that hosts resources you want to manage. For more information on how to locate objects in the Web Interface, see Locating directory objects.

  2. Select the computer in the list of objects, then click Manage in the Command pane.

  3. In the list of resource types, click the type of resource you want to manage.

  4. In the list of objects that appears, select the resource you want to manage.

  5. Use commands in the Command pane to perform management tasks on the selected resource.

To manage print jobs

  1. To start managing computer resources, repeat Steps 1 and 2 of the previous procedure.

  2. To view the list of printers found on the selected computer, in the list of resource types, click Printers.

  3. In the list of printers, select a printer whose print jobs you want to manage.

  4. To view the list of documents being printed, in the Command pane, click Print Jobs.

  5. In the list of documents, select a document to pause, resume, restart, or cancel printing.

  6. To perform management tasks on the selected document, use the available commands in the Command pane.

Restoring deleted objects

The Web Interface can be used to restore deleted objects in any managed domain that has the Active Directory Recycle Bin feature enabled.

To undo deletions, Active Roles relies on the ability of Active Directory Recycle Bin to preserve all attributes, including the link-valued attributes, of the deleted objects. This makes it possible to restore deleted objects to the same state they were in immediately before deletion. For example, restored user accounts regain all group memberships that they had at the time of deletion.

This section provides instructions on how to restore deleted objects by using the Web Interface. For more information, see Recycle Bin in the Active Roles Administration Guide.

Locating deleted objects

If Active Directory Recycle Bin is enabled in a managed domain, the Web Interface provides access to the Deleted Objects container that holds the deleted objects from that domain. On the Tree tab in the Browse pane, the Deleted Objects container appears at the same level as the domain object, under the Active Directory node. If multiple managed domains have Active Directory Recycle Bin enabled, then a separate container is displayed for each domain. To tell one container from another, the name of the container includes the domain name (for example, - Deleted Objects).

When you select the Deleted Objects container, the Web Interface lists all the deleted objects that exist in the corresponding domain. For more information on how to sort or filter the list to find specific objects, see Managing the list of objects. If you click an object in the list, a menu appears that displays all actions you can perform on that object.

Searching the Deleted Objects container

You can search for deleted objects in your Active Directory domain by searching the contents of the Deleted Objects container.

To locate deleted objects in the Deleted Objects container

  1. On the Tree tab in the Browse pane, click the Deleted Objects container.

  2. In the Command pane, click Search under this container.

  3. Specify criteria for the deleted objects that you want to find:

    • To search by naming properties, type in the Search field on the Toolbar. The Web Interface will search for objects whose naming properties match what you typed. The naming properties include name, first name, last name, display name, and logon name.

    • To search by other properties, click the button on the right side of the Toolbar to expand the Toolbar, click Add criteria, choose the properties by which you want to search, click Add, and then configure the criteria as appropriate. The Web Interface will search for objects that match the criteria that you configured.

  4. To start the search, press Enter.

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