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Identity Manager 9.2 - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Configuring the synchronization log Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences Copying synchronization projects
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Troubleshooting errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples

Synchronization Editor views

The Synchronization EditorClosed has several views for showing the synchronization configuration of the connected systemsClosed.

Table 1: Views in the Synchronization Editor



Navigation view

The navigation view is made up of suggested entry points for the interface navigation.

Document view

The document view shows the form or editor selected through the navigation view respectively. The forms and editors are displayed on different tabs.

Start page

The start page shows an overview of all synchronization projectsClosed. You can add new synchronization projects here. The icon shows an overview of all managed synchronization projects.

Mapping editor

You can edit maps in the mapping editor. The mapping editor is divided into two schema view and two rule views. Each mapping editor view has its own toolbar.

SchemaClosed view

Views in the mapping editor.

The One Identity Manager schema and schema property details are displayed in the left pane of the mapping editor. The target system schema and schema property details are displayed on the right side.

Rule view

Views in the mapping editor.

Property mapping and object matching rules are displayed in the middle of the mapping editor.

WorkflowClosed editor

Synchronization steps are organizedClosed and displayed as workflows in the workflow editor. The workflow editor is divided in to two views: a general properties view and the workflow view.

Workflow view

View in the workflow editor in which synchronization steps are handled. The workflow view has its own toolbar.

Patch view

The patch view, displays all the installation patches for new features and solved issues in One Identity Manager that effect target system synchronization. Patches can be applied to existing synchronization projects.

Log view

The log view displays the error log.

Status bar information

The following information is shown in the status bar.

Table 2: Status bar icons
Icon Meaning

Current user and system user.

Connected database in the notation <server>\<database (description)>.

Synchronization projectClosed open.

A warning has been written to the error log.

An error message has been written to the error log.

Database status (database activity such as loading or saving objects).

Menu items

The Synchronization EditorClosed user interface contains the following menu items and toolbars:

Table 3: Meaning of items in the menu bar


Menu Item




New connection

Establishes a database connection.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Close connection

Closes the current database connection.



For configuring general program settings.


Changing a synchronization user password

The password for the system user Synchronization can be changed.



Exits the program.

Alt + F4


Edit synchronization projectClosed

Properties of the loaded synchronization project can be edited.


Update synchronization project

System connectorClosed updates can be applied to existing synchronization projects.


Create templateClosed

Creates a template for a new synchronization project.


Create copy

This creates a copy of the current synchronization project.




Opens the One Identity Manager community website.


Support portal

Opens the One Identity Manager product support website.



Opens the One Identity Manager training portal website.


Online documentation

Opens the One Identity Manager documentation website.



Opens the search dialog.



Opens the help for this form.



Shows the version information for program.


Generate synchronization analysis report

Generates a synchronization analysis report.


Table 4: Meaning of the icons in the toolbar
Button Meaning
Commit to database Saves changes permanently.

To save changes with change labels, open the submenu and click Commit and assign a change label. For more information about working with change labels, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.

Offline mode

Enable offline mode.

This does not establish a connection to the target system or to the One Identity Manager database The button is only displayed if the Synchronization Editor was started with the -o option.

Technical view Shows technical names.
Additional data Shows additional properties.
Remote connection Shows additional properties.
Enabled variable set Variable setClosed used in the Synchronization Editor to connect to the target system. The button is enabled only if multiple variable sets are defined.

To select another variable set, open the submenu.

Table 5: Meaning of icons in the navigation view
Icon Meaning
Create a new workflow with the workflow wizard.
Creates a new mapping/workflow.
Edits mapping/workflow.
Deletes mapping/workflow.
Reload the data.
Display synchronization log.
Display provisioning log.
Table 6: Meaning of icons in the schema tool bar
Icon Meaning
Add schema property.
Edit selected schema property.
Delete selected schema property.
FilterClosed schema properties.
Search schema properties.
Filter schema properties with similar names in other schema respectively.


Test virtual schema properties.

Table 7: Meaning of icons in the rule tool bar
Icon Meaning
Add rule.
Edit selected rule.
Delete selected rule.
Filter rules.
Transform selected property mapping rule into an object matching rule.
Order object matching rules.
Test rules.
Create new rules with help of the mapping wizard.
Table 8: Meaning of icons in the workflow view
Icon Meaning

Adds new step.

Shows implementation plan.

Opens detail view of all synchronization stepsClosed.

Closes detail view of all synchronization steps.

Enable or disable synchronization steps.

Table 9: Meaning of icons in the variable set tool bar
Icon Meaning

Add a variable/variable set.

Delete variable/variable set.

Rename variable set.

Convert variable to script.

Convert script variableClosed to a plain variable.

Display variable usage.

Default value for restoring the selected variable.

Table 10: Meaning of icons in the rule tool bar
Icon Meaning

Solved issues

Shows patches for solved issues.


Shows all patches for new or changed features.

Shows all patches that are cannot be applied to the synchronization project.

Shows all patches that are already applied to the synchronization project.

Table 11: Meaning of icons in the log
Icon Meaning

Logs all critical error messages. (Info level Fatal)

Logs all information. (Info level Info)

Logs all warnings. (Info level Warning)

Logs all error messages. (Info level Error)

Logs debugger output. This setting should only be used for testing. (Info level Debug)

Logs highly detailed information. This setting should only be used for analysis purposes. The log file quickly becomes large and cumbersome. (Info level Trace)

Adds a customClosed filter condition.

Deletes filter condition.

Searches for term.

Searches next term.

Marks all messages with a specific term.

Buffer size

Sets the message buffer size. The buffer's level is displayed next to the field.

Deletes the buffer contents.

Stops logging.

Starts logging.

Saves log to file.

Specifies which column are displayed in the error log.

Copies selected messages to the clipboard.

Opens the error log with a text editor.

Customizing the program settings

To change the program settings

  • Select the Database > Settings... menu item.

Set the following options on the General tab.

Table 12: General program settings
Setting Meaning


Language for the user interface. The initial program login uses the system language for the user interface. Changes to the language settings take effect after the program has been restarted.

The language is set globally for all One IdentityClosed Manager programs, which means the language setting does not have to be configured for each program individually.

Enable expert mode Specifies whether expert mode is used. If you set this option, functions become available that should only be used by experienced Synchronization EditorClosed users. For more information, see Additional information for experts.
Enable the technical view after program start Specifies whether technical captions are used in the Synchronization Editor views. Disable this option to use display names.
Show additional data Specifies whether additional properties are displayed.
Show hints Specified whether additional hint, like explanations, warnings, or examples are displayed.

Set the following options on the Security tab.

Table 13: Security settings
Setting Meaning

Saved passwords

List of all saved passwords that are saved locally-

Delete Deletes the selected value.
Delete all the synchronization projectClosed's sensitive data Deletes all locally saved sensitive data in the current synchronization project.
Delete all saved passwords Deletes all the Synchronization Editor's locally saved sensitive data.
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