The IBM Tivoli Directory Server does not support standard LDAP filtering but a limited level of functionality is supported. The only attribute that can be filtered is racfid, which can apply to both user and group names. This means it is possible to filter by the names of both users and groups.
This is done by applying a system filter to either the racfuser or racfgroup objects of the form (racfid=<variable>*) where <variable> applies to a common prefix.
For example, to import only users that start with ABC, the following system filter should be applied to the racfuser object:
To import only groups beginning with #1, the following system filter should be applied to the racfgroup object:
This section shows a possible mapping between a user account in RACF and the standard One Identity Manager database table called LDAPGroup (a group is the closest equivalent in One Identity Manager to a data set profile). A mapping for RACF group already exists, so a filter needs to be applied in order to tell these apart.
When creating the data set profile mapping, add a new schema class as follows.
Table 4: Schema class settings
Schema type |
LDAPGroup |
Display name |
LDAPGroup (Data set profile) |
Class name |
LDAPGroup_datasetprofile |
Select objects: Condition |
StructuralObjectClass='RACFDATASET' |
Select objects: Ignore case |
Activated |
Select this new schema class, LDAPGroup (Data set profile) for this mapping to racfDataset(all) on the RACF side.
For more detailed information about setting up mappings, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide.
Detailed information about this topic
When creating a data set profile in the RACF database, the following LDAP attributes must be defined: