Starling subscribers must register a connector for the required target cloud applications by providing the connection details. After successful registration, the connector can be used by SCIM clients such as One Identity Manager.
To configure a connector
The Connect service displays as part of the Services section.
The Your Location dialog-box opens.
The Connect service appears as part of the My Services section.
The One Identity Connect page with different connectors opens.
The Add Connector dialog box opens.
The configured connector becomes part of the My Connectors section.
A list with four options is displayed.
NOTE: Note that the values mentioned below must be configured on SCIM Client (One Identity Manager).
SCIM Client ID
SCIM Client Secret
SCIM Token Endpoint URL
For more information, see Connector versions.
Starling Connect versioning enables administrators to choose the desired version that a customer wants to be on. This enables backward compatibility for the changes done incrementally on the connectors. For example, if the target system APIs are updated or any authentication method is revised.
All the available versions that are available for the connector are displayed. V1.0 is the lowest available version for all the connectors. Also, the latest version is selected by default. Availability of new versions are notified with pop-up messages before and after configuring the connector. You can also change the version later.
Major versions include new features, enhancements, and changes at the target system whereas minor versions consist of bug fixes on the connector.
For more information, see Configuring connectors.
Salesforce offers a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that lets users track sales, service, and marketing. It includes a social networking plug-in and analytical tools including email alerts, Google search functionality, and access to contracts.
To login to the Saleforce application, you must create a trail account. For more infomation, see Setting a trial account on Salesforce
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Connector Name
Client Secret - Consumer Secret of the connected app under API. Enable OAuth Settings (Left Menu | Build | Create | Apps).
Token URL - Salesforce's token URL (https://<saleforce_instance_url>/services/oauth2/token)
Grant Type : password
Operation |
Create |
Update (id) |
Delete (id) |
Get (id) |
Get |
Pagination | GET |
Operation |
Create |
Update (id) |
Delete (id) |
Get (id) |
Get |
Pagination | GET |
Operation |
Get All Roles |
Get Role (Id) |
Operation |
Get All Profiles |
Get Profile (Id) |
Operation |
Get All PermissionSets |
Get All PermissionSets (Id) |
Entitlements - ProfileId
The user and group mapping is listed in the table below.
SCIM parameter | Salesforce parameter |
Id | id |
UserName | Username |
ExternalId | FederationIdentifier |
Name.GivenName | FirstName |
Name.FamilyName | LastName |
Name.Formatted | Name |
DisplayName | Name |
NickName | CommunityNickname |
Emails.Value | |
Photos.Value | FullPhotoUrl |
Addresses.StreetAddress | Street |
Addresses.Locality | City |
Addresses.Region | State |
Addresses.PostalCode |
PostalCode |
Addresses.Country |
Country |
PhoneNumbers.Values |
Phone |
UserType |
UserType |
Title |
Title |
PreferredLanguage |
LanguageLocaleKey |
Locale |
LocaleSidKey |
Timezone |
TimeZoneSidKey |
Active |
IsActive |
Groups[].value(OnDemand) |
SalesforceGroups[].GroupId |
Entitlements[].Value |
Profile[].Id |
Entitlements[].Display |
Profile[].Name |
Roles[].Value |
UserRole[].Id |
Roles[].Display |
UserRole[].Name |
Extension.PasswordLastSet |
LastPasswordChangeDate |
Extension.EmailEncoding |
EmailEncodingKey |
Extension.Organization |
CompanyName |
Extension.Division |
Division |
Extension.Department |
Department |
Extension.Description |
AboutMe |
Extension.Manager.Value |
Manager.Id |
Extension.Manager.DisplayName |
Manager.Name |
Extension.LastLogon |
LastLoginDate |
Extension.EmployeeNumber |
EmployeeNumber |
Extension.Alias |
Alias |
Extension.UserPermissionsMobileUser |
UserPermissionsMobileUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsSFContentUser |
UserPermissionsSFContentUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser |
UserPermissionsKnowledgeUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsOfflineUser |
UserPermissionsOfflineUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsMarketingUser |
UserPermissionsMarketingUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin |
UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin |
Extension.UserPermissionsInteractionUser |
UserPermissionsInteractionUser |
Extension.UserPermissionsSupportUser |
UserPermissionsSupportUser |
Extension.FullPhotoUrl |
FullPhotoUrl |
Meta.Created |
CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified |
LastModifiedDate |
SCIM parameter | Salesforce parameter |
Id | Id |
DisplayName | Name |
Members.value | UserOrGroupId |
Meta.Created | CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified | LastModifiedDate |
SCIM parameter | Salesforce parameter |
Id | Id |
DisplayName | Name |
Members[].value | RoleMembers[].Id |
Members[].display | RoleMembers[].Name |
Meta.Created |
CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified | LastModifiedDate |
SCIM parameter | Salesforce parameter |
Id | Id |
DisplayName | Name |
Members[].value | ProfileMembers[].Id |
Members[].display | ProfileMembers[].Name |
Meta.Created | CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified |
LastModifiedDate |
SCIM parameter | Salesforce parameter |
Id | ID |
DisplayName | Name |
Members[].value | PermissionSetMembers[].Id |
Members[].display | PermissionSetMembers[].Name |
Meta.Created | CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified |
LastModifiedDate |
Currently, the connector supports only salesforce api version 41.0.
Salesforce does not display an error when you create Duplicate Groups. It returns the existing group information. A duplicate group will not be created.
Connector updates the count value of pagination property to 500 when it is more than 500. This is done to solve common validation error.
Facebook Workplace is a collaborative business platform run by Facebook to help users communicate through groups, chat, and social networking in a corporate environment.
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Connector Name
Operation |
Create |
Update (Id) |
Delete (Id) | DELETE |
Get (Id) | GET |
Get | GET |
Pagination | GET |
Operation |
Create | POST |
Update (Id) | PUT |
Delete (Id) | DELETE |
Get (Id) | GET |
Get | GET |
Pagination | GET |
Group Name
The user and group mappings are listed in the tables below.
SCIM parameter | Facebook Workplace parameter |
Id | Id |
UserName | userName |
Name.Formatted | name.formatted |
Name.GivenName | name.givenName |
Name.FamilyName | name.familyName |
Name.MiddleName | name.middleName |
Name.HonorificPrefix | name.honorificPrefix |
Name.HonorificSuffix | name.honorificSuffix |
DisplayName | displayName |
NickName | nickName |
UserType | userType |
Title | title |
PreferredLanguage | preferredLanguage |
Locale |
locale |
Timezone |
timezone |
Active |
active |
Emails |
emails |
Addresses |
addresses |
PhoneNumbers |
phoneNumbers |
Groups.value | |
Groups.display | |
Roles.Value |
Role.Id |
Extension.Organization |
organization |
Extension.Division |
division |
Extension.Department |
department |
Extension.Manager.Value |
manager.managerId |
Extension.EmployeeNumber |
employeeNumber |
Extension.CostCenter |
costCenter |
SCIM Parameter | Facebook Workplace parameter |
Id | Id |
DisplayName | Name |
Members.value | UserOrGroupId |
Meta.Created | CreatedDate |
Meta.LastModified | LastModifiedDate |
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