Active Roles databases can be precreated running cmdlet New-ARDatabase. See sample below:
$ServiceAccount = Get-Credential -Message "Enter the username and password to be used to run the ARS Service"
$ARSAdminGroup = "Domain Admins"
$ARVersion = "743"
$SQLInstance = "SQL001"
$ConfigDBName = "ActiveRoles$($ARVersion)_ConfigTemp"
$HistoryDBName = "ActiveRoles$($ARVersion)_HistoryTemp"
# Create the Active Roles configuration database
$ConfigDatabase = New-ARDatabase -DatabaseServer $SQLInstance -DatabaseName $ConfigDBName
# Create the Active Roles history database
$HistoryDatabase = New-ARDatabase -DatabaseServer $SQLInstance -DatabaseName $HistoryDBName
# Create a new ARS Service
$ARServiceInstance = New-ARService -ServiceAccountCredential $ServiceAccount -DSAdministrators $ARSAdminGroup -DatabaseServer $ConfigDatabase.DatabaseServer -DatabaseName $ConfigDatabase.DatabaseName -MHDatabaseServer $HistoryDatabase.DatabaseServer -MHDatabaseName $HistoryDatabase.DatabaseName
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