Create a request property parameter with a check (Validation script) for DateTime, for example:
This is a sample script:
Dim dateVal As Date = Convert.ToDateTime(Value)
If dateVal > Date.MinValue Then
If dateVal < Date.Today Then
Throw New ViException(#LD("{0} - UTC - should be greater or equal to Today", dateVal)#, ExceptionRelevance.EndUser)
End If
End If
After, assign the request property to an AccProduct and start a new request.
Select in the request a datetime that is valid and press <Apply> to get the request in the shoppingcart.
In the shopping cart click on <edit> for this request and in the form to edit the request select a datetime which is invalid.
Instead of the error message being thrown one time, the error message will be thrown but in F12 developer tools a look is occurring.
[{"Message":"An error occurred while processing your request.","Number":0}]
This is due to Defect 476037
WORKAROUND: Please contact Support for a copy of the Hotfix for Defect 476037.
STATUS: Waiting for a fix in a future release of Identity Manager.
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