To resolve this issue, apply hotfix 475515 using the following steps. Note that Hotfix ID 475644 is a subitem of 475515, and the fix will be referenced by the latter ID number.
Required files (Attached to this article):
Steps to apply the fix:
- Replace the VI.DB. Compile.dll File. | Extract and replace VI.DB.Compile.dll in the following locations:
- Your Installation source directory: Modules\QBM\install\bin\
- In the One Identity Manager client folder (where the Configuration Wizard is started from)
- Configure a Local NuGet Mirror. | Since internecc access is restricted, create a local mirror clone of NuGet packages:
- On an online machine, perform a compilation to download the required NuGet packages.
- Copy the downloaded NuGet packages into a local folder (e.g., C:\Temp\NuGet).
- Update the Configuration. | Modify the appsettings.json file in the One Identity Manager client folder and add the following lines inside the outer {} brackets:
- Please note the comma sign which separates this JSON object from the previous one:
"Compiler": {
"ExternalNugetSource": "C:\\Temp\\Nuget"
- Restart and Complete the Upgrade
- If you have started the migration, cancel it.
- Restart the migration, If the previous upgrade failed due to compilation, restoring from backup is not necessary).
- The compiler will now use the local NuGet packages instead of attepting to connect to the internet.
- Import the Transport Package | Import to:
- Add VI.DB.Compiler.dll to the database.
- Enable automatic distribution to other IM clients via AutoUpdate
- Create a new Configuration Parameter: Common\Compiler\ExternalNugetSource
- Ensure other clients have access to the NuGet Mirror.
- To allow other clients to compile scripts too without modifying appsettings json, ensure the NuGet mirror is accessible.
- Define the mirror's location (e.g., a network share) in Common\Compiler\ExternalNugetSource using Designer.