The following filter does not work as it contains a square closing bracket ']'
match("]\s" value("MESSAGE"));
If the ']' is removed then the filter will work
Possibly underlying operating system
In regular expressions (Regex) '\s' is the "whitespace character" and that will match a space ( ), tab \t, a carriage return \r, a line feed \n or a form feed \f.
In order to get the filter to work one of the following two workarounds can be applied.
Workaround 1:
This filters a square closing bracket followed by either a space or a tab or a carriage return or a line feed or a form feed.
match("](( )|\t|\r|\n|\f)" value("MESSAGE"));
Workaround 2:
Use a double backslash instead of a single backslash for the whitespace character.
match("]\\s" value("MESSAGE"));
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