
Privilege Manager for Unix 7.0 - Administration Guide

Introducing Privilege Manager for Unix Planning Deployment Installation and Configuration Upgrade Privilege Manager for Unix System Administration Managing Security Policy The Privilege Manager for Unix Security Policy Advanced Privilege Manager for Unix Configuration Administering Log and Keystroke Files InTrust Plug-in for Privilege Manager for Unix Troubleshooting Privilege Manager for Unix Policy File Components Privilege Manager for Unix Variables
Variable names Variable scope Global input variables Global output variables Global event log variables PM settings variables
Privilege Manager for Unix Flow Control Statements Privilege Manager for Unix Built-in Functions and Procedures
Environment functions Hash table functions Input and output functions LDAP functions LDAP API example List functions Miscellaneous functions Password functions Remote access functions String functions User information functions Authentication Services functions
Privilege Manager for Unix programs Installation Packages

Installing licenses

To install a license file

  1. Copy the .dlv license file to the policy server.
  2. To install the license, run:
    # /opt/quest/sbin/pmlicense –l <license_file>

    This command displays your currently installed license and the details of the new license to be installed.

  3. When it asks, "Would you like to install the new license (Y/N) [Y]?", press Enter, or type: Y
  4. If there are other policy servers configured in your policy server group, it forwards the license configuration to the other servers.
Related Topics



Displaying license usage

Use the pmlicense command to display how many client licenses are installed on the policy server on which you run the command.

Use pmlicense without any arguments to show an overall status summary, including the number of licenses configured and the total licenses in use for each license option.

To display current license status information

  1. At the command line, enter:

    # pmlicense

    Privilege Manager for Unix displays the current license information, noting the status of the license. Your output will be similar to the following:

    *** One Identity Privilege Manager for Unix *** 
    *** QPM4U VERSION 7.0.0 (0xx) *** 
    *** CHECKING LICENSE ON HOSTNAME:user123.example.com, IP ADDRESS: *** 
       * License Type PERMANENT 
       * Commercial/Freeware License COMMERCIAL 
       * Expiration Date NEVER 
       * Max QPM4U Client Licenses 10 
       * Max Sudo Policy Plugin Licenses 0 
       * Max Sudo Keystroke Plugin Licenses 0 
       * Authorization Policy Type permitted ALL 
       * Total QPM4U Client Licenses In Use 4 
       * Total Sudo Policy Plugins Licenses In Use 0 
       * Total Sudo Keystroke Plugins Licenses In Use 0

The above example shows that the current license allows for ten QPM4U clients (PM Agent licenses) and four licenses are currently in use.

Use pmlicense with the –us option to view a summary usage report; use -uf to view the full usage report.

To show a full usage report including last use dates

  1. At the command line, enter:

    # pmlicense -uf

    Your output will be similar to the following:

    Detailed Licensed Hosts Report 
    Number | Last Access Time                              | Hostname 
           | QPM4U            | SudoPolicy | SudoKeystroke | 
    1      | 2012/07/01 17:14 |           |                | admin1.example.com 
    2      | 2012/07/01 17:14 |           |                | user101.example.com 
    3      | 2012/07/01 16:28 |           |                | user123.example.com 
    4      | 2012/07/01 17:14 |           |                | dev023.example.com

The above output shows the full report, including the host names and dates the Unix agents used the policy server.

The pmlicense command supports many other command-line options.

Related Topics


Listing policy file revisions

After you have made several revisions to your policy file under source control, you can view the list of policy file versions stored in the repository.

To display all previous version numbers with timestamps and commit logs

  1. From the command line, enter:
    # pmpolicy log

    This command returns output similar to this:

    ** Validate options          [ OK ] 
    ** Check out working copy    [ OK ] 
    ** Retrieve revision details [ OK ] 
    version="2",user="pmpolicy",date=2011-05-11,time=19:19:47,msg="added tuser" 
    version="1",user="pmpolicy",date=2011-05-11,time=15:56:12,msg="First import"

Viewing differences between revisions

You can view the changes from revision to revision of a policy file.

To show the differences between version 1 and version 3

  1. From the command line, enter:
    # pmpolicy diff –r:1:2

    This command returns output similar to this:

    ** Validate options                                          [ OK ] 
    ** Check out working copy (trunk revision)                   [ OK ] 
    ** Check differences                                         [ OK ] 
    ** Report differences between selected revisions             [ OK ] 
       - Differences were detected between the selected versions 
    Index: profiles/helpdesk.profile 
    --- profiles/helpdesk.profile (revision 1) 
    +++ profiles/helpdesk.profile (revision 2) 
    @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ 
    enableRemoteCmds = false;   # Should remote cmds be allowed for privilege cmds ? 
                                # - ie should it allow cmds if: submithost != runhost 
    +shellProfile = "helpdesk"; 
    authUser = "root";          # runuser to use when running the authCommands 
                                # Set to 1 of the following:

    The output reports lines removed and lines added in a unified diff format.


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