The file() driver has the following options:
Type: | path |
Default: |
Description: The log file of linux-audit. The syslog-ng OSE application reads the Linux audit logs from this file.
Synopsis: | prefix() |
Default: |
.auditd. |
Description: Insert a prefix before the name part of the parsed name-value pairs to help further processing. For example:
To insert the my-parsed-data. prefix, use the prefix(my-parsed-data.) option.
To refer to a particular data that has a prefix, use the prefix in the name of the macro, for example, ${}.
If you forward the parsed messages using the IETF-syslog protocol, you can insert all the parsed data into the SDATA part of the message using the prefix( option.
Names starting with a dot (for example, .example) are reserved for use by syslog-ng OSE. Note that if you use an empty prefix (prefix("")) or one starting with a dot, syslog-ng OSE might replace the original value of an existing macro (note that only soft macros can be overwritten, see Hard versus soft macros for details). To avoid such problems, use a prefix when naming the parsed values, for example, prefix(my-parsed-data.)
The network() source driver can receive syslog messages conforming to RFC3164 from the network using the TCP, TLS, and UDP networking protocols.
UDP is a simple datagram oriented protocol, which provides "best effort service" to transfer messages between hosts. It may lose messages, and no attempt is made to retransmit lost messages. The BSD-syslog protocol traditionally uses UDP.
Use UDP only if you have no other choice.
TCP provides connection-oriented service: the client and the server establish a connection, each message is acknowledged, and lost packets are resent. TCP can detect lost connections, and messages are lost, only if the TCP connection breaks. When a TCP connection is broken, messages that the client has sent but were not yet received on the server are lost.
The syslog-ng application supports TLS (Transport Layer Security, also known as SSL) over TCP. For details, see Encrypting log messages with TLS.
By default, the network() driver binds to, meaning that it listens on every available IPV4 interface on the TCP/601 port. To limit accepted connections to only one interface, use the localip() parameter. To listen on IPv6 addresses, use the ip-protocol(6) option.
Using only the default settings: listen on every available IPV4 interface on the TCP/601 port.
source s_network { network(); };
UDP source listening on (the default port for UDP is 514):
source s_network { network( ip("") transport("udp") ); };
TCP source listening on the IPv6 localhost, port 2222:
source s_network6 { network( ip("::1") transport("tcp") port(2222) ip-protocol(6) ); };
A TCP source listening on a TLS-encrypted channel.
source s_network { network( transport("tcp") port(2222) tls(peer-verify("required-trusted") key-file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.key") cert-file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.crt") ); ); };
A TCP source listening for messages using the IETF-syslog message format. Note that for transferring IETF-syslog messages, generally you are recommended to use the syslog() driver on both the client and the server, as it uses both the IETF-syslog message format and the protocol. For details, see syslog: Collecting messages using the IETF syslog protocol (syslog() driver).
source s_tcp_syslog { network( ip("") flags(syslog-protocol) ); };
For details on the options of the network() source, see network() source options.
The network() driver has the following options.
Accepted values: | Directory name |
Default: | none |
Description: The name of a directory that contains a set of trusted CA certificates in PEM format. The CA certificate files have to be named after the 32-bit hash of the subject's name. This naming can be created using the c_rehash utility in openssl. For an example, see Configuring TLS on the syslog-ng clients. The syslog-ng OSE application uses the CA certificates in this directory to validate the certificate of the peer.
This option can be used together with the optional ca-file() option.
Accepted values: | File name |
Default: | empty |
Description: Optional. The name of a file that contains a set of trusted CA certificates in PEM format. The syslog-ng OSE application uses the CA certificates in this file to validate the certificate of the peer.
Example format in configuration:
NOTE: The ca-file() option can be used together with the ca-dir() option, and it is relevant when peer-verify() is set to other than no or optional-untrusted.
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: The size of the dynamic control window used during flow-control. For details on flow-control, see Managing incoming and outgoing messages with flow-control.
Type: | string |
Default: |
Description: Specifies the character set (encoding, for example, UTF-8) of messages using the legacy BSD-syslog protocol. To list the available character sets on a host, execute the iconv -l command. For details on how encoding affects the size of the message, see Message size and encoding.
Type: | assume-utf8, empty-lines, expect-hostname, kernel, no-hostname, no-multi-line, no-parse, sanitize-utf8, store-legacy-msghdr, store-raw-message, syslog-protocol, validate-utf8 |
Default: | empty set |
Description: Specifies the log parsing options of the source.
assume-utf8: The assume-utf8 flag assumes that the incoming messages are UTF-8 encoded, but does not verify the encoding. If you explicitly want to validate the UTF-8 encoding of the incoming message, use the validate-utf8 flag.
empty-lines: Use the empty-lines flag to keep the empty lines of the messages. By default, syslog-ng OSE removes empty lines automatically.
expect-hostname: If the expect-hostname flag is enabled, syslog-ng OSE will assume that the log message contains a hostname and parse the message accordingly. This is the default behavior for TCP sources. Note that pipe sources use the no-hostname flag by default.
guess-timezone: Attempt to guess the timezone of the message if this information is not available in the message. Works when the incoming message stream is close to real time, and the timezone information is missing from the timestamp.
kernel: The kernel flag makes the source default to the LOG_KERN | LOG_NOTICE priority if not specified otherwise.
no-hostname: Enable the no-hostname flag if the log message does not include the hostname of the sender host. That way syslog-ng OSE assumes that the first part of the message header is ${PROGRAM} instead of ${HOST}. For example:
source s_dell { network( port(2000) flags(no-hostname) ); };
no-multi-line: The no-multi-line flag disables line-breaking in the messages: the entire message is converted to a single line. Note that this happens only if the underlying transport method actually supports multi-line messages. Currently the file() and pipe() drivers support multi-line messages.
no-parse: By default, syslog-ng OSE parses incoming messages as syslog messages. The no-parse flag completely disables syslog message parsing and processes the complete line as the message part of a syslog message. The syslog-ng OSE application will generate a new syslog header (timestamp, host, and so on) automatically and put the entire incoming message into the MESSAGE part of the syslog message (available using the ${MESSAGE} macro). This flag is useful for parsing messages not complying to the syslog format.
If you are using the flags(no-parse) option, then syslog message parsing is completely disabled, and the entire incoming message is treated as the ${MESSAGE} part of a syslog message. In this case, syslog-ng OSE generates a new syslog header (timestamp, host, and so on) automatically. Note that since flags(no-parse) disables message parsing, it interferes with other flags, for example, disables flags(no-multi-line).
dont-store-legacy-msghdr: By default, syslog-ng stores the original incoming header of the log message. This is useful if the original format of a non-syslog-compliant message must be retained (syslog-ng automatically corrects minor header errors, for example, adds a whitespace before msg in the following message: Jan 22 10:06:11 host program:msg). If you do not want to store the original header of the message, enable the dont-store-legacy-msghdr flag.
sanitize-utf8: When using the sanitize-utf8 flag, syslog-ng OSE converts non-UTF-8 input to an escaped form, which is valid UTF-8.
store-raw-message: Save the original message as received from the client in the ${RAWMSG} macro. You can forward this raw message in its original form to another syslog-ng node using the syslog-ng() destination, or to a SIEM system, ensuring that the SIEM can process it. Available only in
syslog-protocol: The syslog-protocol flag specifies that incoming messages are expected to be formatted according to the new IETF syslog protocol standard (RFC5424), but without the frame header. Note that this flag is not needed for the syslog driver, which handles only messages that have a frame header.
validate-utf8: The validate-utf8 flag enables encoding-verification for messages formatted according to the new IETF syslog standard (for details, see IETF-syslog messages). If the
threaded: The threaded flag enables multithreading for the source. For details on multithreading, see Multithreading and scaling in syslog-ng OSE.
NOTE: The syslog source uses multiple threads only if the source uses the tls or tcp transport protocols.
Description: This option makes it possible to execute external programs when the relevant driver is initialized or torn down. The hook-commands() can be used with all source and destination drivers with the exception of the usertty() and internal() drivers.
NOTE: The syslog-ng OSE application must be able to start and restart the external program, and have the necessary permissions to do so. For example, if your host is running AppArmor or SELinux, you might have to modify your AppArmor or SELinux configuration to enable syslog-ng OSE to execute external applications.
To execute an external program when syslog-ng OSE starts or stops, use the following options:
startup() | |
Type: | string |
Default: | N/A |
Description: Defines the external program that is executed as syslog-ng OSE starts. |
shutdown() | |
Type: | string |
Default: | N/A |
Description: Defines the external program that is executed as syslog-ng OSE stops. |
To execute an external program when the syslog-ng OSE configuration is initiated or torn down, for example, on startup/shutdown or during a syslog-ng OSE reload, use the following options:
setup() | |
Type: | string |
Default: | N/A |
Description: Defines an external program that is executed when the syslog-ng OSE configuration is initiated, for example, on startup or during a syslog-ng OSE reload. |
teardown() | |
Type: | string |
Default: | N/A |
Description: Defines an external program that is executed when the syslog-ng OSE configuration is stopped or torn down, for example, on shutdown or during a syslog-ng OSE reload. |
In the following example, the hook-commands() is used with the network() driver and it opens an iptables port automatically as syslog-ng OSE is started/stopped.
The assumption in this example is that the LOGCHAIN chain is part of a larger ruleset that routes traffic to it. Whenever the syslog-ng OSE created rule is there, packets can flow, otherwise the port is closed.
source { network(transport(udp) hook-commands( startup("iptables -I LOGCHAIN 1 -p udp --dport 514 -j ACCEPT") shutdown("iptables -D LOGCHAIN 1") ) ); };
Type: | string |
Default: |
Description: Replaces the ${HOST} part of the message with the parameter string.
Type: | string |
Default: | None |
Description: Bind to the specified interface instead of an IP address. Available in
Type: | string |
Default: | |
Description: The IP address to bind to. By default, syslog-ng OSE listens on every available interface. Note that this is not the address where messages are accepted from.
If you specify a multicast bind address and use the udp transport, syslog-ng OSE automatically joins the necessary multicast group. TCP does not support multicasting.
Type: | number |
Default: | 4 |
Description: Determines the internet protocol version of the given driver (network() or syslog()). The possible values are 4 and 6, corresponding to IPv4 and IPv6. The default value is ip-protocol(4).
Note that listening on a port using IPv6 automatically means that you are also listening on that port using IPv4. That is, if you want to have receive messages on an IP-address/port pair using both IPv4 and IPv6, create a source that uses the ip-protocol(6). You cannot have two sources with the same IP-address/port pair, but with different ip-protocol() settings (it causes an Address already in use error).
For example, the following source receives messages on TCP, using the network() driver, on every available interface of the host on both IPv4 and IPv6.
source s_network_tcp { network( transport("tcp") ip("::") ip-protocol(6) port(601) ); };
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: Specifies the Type-of-Service value of outgoing packets.
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: Specifies the Time-To-Live value of outgoing packets.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | yes |
Description: Specifies whether connections to sources should be closed when syslog-ng is forced to reload its configuration (upon the receipt of a SIGHUP signal). Note that this applies to the server (source) side of the syslog-ng connections, client-side (destination) connections are always reopened after receiving a HUP signal unless the keep-alive option is enabled for the destination.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | no |
Description: Enable or disable hostname rewriting.
If enabled (keep-hostname(yes)), syslog-ng OSE assumes that the incoming log message was sent by the host specified in the HOST field of the message.
If disabled (keep-hostname(no)), syslog-ng OSE rewrites the HOST field of the message, either to the IP address (if the use-dns() parameter is set to no), or to the hostname (if the use-dns() parameter is set to yes and the IP address can be resolved to a hostname) of the host sending the message to syslog-ng OSE. For details on using name resolution in syslog-ng OSE, see Using name resolution in syslog-ng.
sNOTE: If the log message does not contain a hostname in its HOST field, syslog-ng OSE automatically adds a hostname to the message.
For messages received from the network, this hostname is the address of the host that sent the message (this means the address of the last hop if the message was transferred via a relay).
For messages received from the local host, syslog-ng OSE adds the name of the host.
This option can be specified globally, and per-source as well. The local setting of the source overrides the global option if available.
NOTE: When relaying messages, enable this option on the syslog-ng OSE server and also on every relay, otherwise syslog-ng OSE will treat incoming messages as if they were sent by the last relay.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | yes |
Description: Specifies whether syslog-ng should accept the timestamp received from the sending application or client. If disabled, the time of reception will be used instead. This option can be specified globally, and per-source as well. The local setting of the source overrides the global option if available.
To use the S_ macros, the keep-timestamp() option must be enabled (this is the default behavior of syslog-ng OSE). |
Type: | integer |
Default: | 256 |
Description: Available only for stream based transports (unix-stream, tcp, tls). In TCP, connections are treated incomplete until the three-way handshake is completed between the server and the client. Incomplete connection requests wait on the TCP port for the listener to accept the request. The listen-backlog() option sets the maximum number of incomplete connection requests. For example:
source s_network { network( ip("") transport("tcp") listen-backlog(2048) ); };
Type: | number |
Default: | 100 |
Description: The maximum number of messages fetched from a source during a single poll loop. The destination queues might fill up before flow-control could stop reading if log-fetch-limit() is too high.
Type: | number |
Default: | 100 |
Description: The size of the initial window, this value is used during flow-control. Its value cannot be lower than 100, unless the dynamic-window-size() option is enabled. For details on flow-control, see Managing incoming and outgoing messages with flow-control.
If the max-connections() option is set, the log-iw-size() will be divided by the number of connections, otherwise log-iw-size() is divided by 10 (the default value of the max-connections() option). The resulting number is the initial window size of each connection. For optimal performance when receiving messages from syslog-ng OSE clients, make sure that the window size is larger than the flush-lines() option set in the destination of your clients.
If log-iw-size(1000) and max-connections(10), then each connection will have an initial window size of 100.
Type: | number (bytes) |
Default: | Use the global log-msg-size() option, which defaults to 65536 (64 KiB). |
Description: Maximum length of an incoming message in bytes. This length includes the entire message (the data structure and individual fields). The maximal value that can be set is 268435456 bytes (256 MiB).
For messages using the IETF-syslog message format (RFC5424), the maximal size of the value of an SDATA field is 64 KiB.
NOTE: In most cases, log-msg-size() does not need to be set higher than 10 MiB.
For details on how encoding affects the size of the message, see Message size and encoding.
Uses the value of the global option if not specified.
Type: | number |
Default: | 10 |
Description: Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections.
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: Specifies input padding. Some operating systems (such as HP-UX) pad all messages to block boundary. This option can be used to specify the block size. The syslog-ng OSE application will pad reads from the associated device to the number of bytes set in pad-size(). Mostly used on HP-UX where /dev/log is a named pipe and every write is padded to 2048 bytes. If pad-size() was given and the incoming message does not fit into pad-size(), syslog-ng will not read anymore from this pipe and displays the following error message:
Padding was set, and couldn't read enough bytes
Type: | number |
Default: |
In case of TCP transport: 601 In case of UDP transport: 514 |
Description: The port number to bind to.
Type: | string |
Default: |
Description: Replaces the ${PROGRAM} part of the message with the parameter string. For example, to mark every message coming from the kernel, include the program-override("kernel") option in the source containing /proc/kmsg.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | no |
Description: This option controls the SO_BROADCAST socket option required to make syslog-ng send messages to a broadcast address. For details, see the socket(7) manual page.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | no |
Description: Enables keep-alive messages, keeping the socket open. This only effects TCP and UNIX-stream sockets. For details, see the socket(7) manual page.
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: Specifies the size of the socket receive buffer in bytes. For details, see the socket(7) manual page.
When receiving messages using the UDP protocol, increase the size of the UDP receive buffer on the receiver host (that is, the syslog-ng OSE server or relay receiving the messages). Note that on certain platforms, for example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, even low message load (~200 messages per second) can result in message loss, unless the so-rcvbuf() option of the source is increased. In this cases, you will need to increase the net.core.rmem_max parameter of the host (for example, to 1024000), but do not modify net.core.rmem_default parameter. As a general rule, increase the so-rcvbuf() so that the buffer size in kilobytes is higher than the rate of incoming messages per second. For example, to receive 2000 messages per second, set the so-rcvbuf() at least to 2 097 152 bytes. |
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | no |
Description: Enables SO_REUSEPORT on systems that support it. When enabled, the kernel allows multiple UDP sockets to be bound to the same port, and the kernel load-balances incoming UDP datagrams to the sockets. The sockets are distributed based on the hash of (srcip, dstip, srcport, dstport), so the same listener should be receiving packets from the same endpoint. For example:
source { udp(so-reuseport(1) port(2000) persist-name("udp1")); udp(so-reuseport(1) port(2000) persist-name("udp2")); udp(so-reuseport(1) port(2000) persist-name("udp3")); udp(so-reuseport(1) port(2000) persist-name("udp4")); };
Enables keep-alive messages, keeping the socket open. This only effects TCP and UNIX-stream sockets. For details, see the socket(7) manual page.
Type: | number |
Default: | 0 |
Description: Specifies the size of the socket send buffer in bytes. For details, see the socket(7) manual page.
Type: | string |
Default: |
Description: Label the messages received from the source with custom tags. Tags must be unique, and enclosed between double quotes. When adding multiple tags, separate them with comma, for example, tags("dmz", "router"). This option is available only in syslog-ng 3.1 and later.
Type: | name of the timezone, or the timezone offset |
Default: |
Description: The default timezone for messages read from the source. Applies only if no timezone is specified within the message itself.
The timezone can be specified by using the name, for example, time-zone("Europe/Budapest")), or as the timezone offset in +/-HH:MM format, for example, +01:00). On Linux and UNIX platforms, the valid timezone names are listed under the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory.
Type: | udp, tcp, or tls |
Default: | tcp |
Description: Specifies the protocol used to receive messages from the source.
When receiving messages using the UDP protocol, increase the size of the UDP receive buffer on the receiver host (that is, the syslog-ng OSE server or relay receiving the messages). Note that on certain platforms, for example, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, even low message load (~200 messages per second) can result in message loss, unless the so-rcvbuf() option of the source is increased. In this cases, you will need to increase the net.core.rmem_max parameter of the host (for example, to 1024000), but do not modify net.core.rmem_default parameter. As a general rule, increase the so-rcvbuf() so that the buffer size in kilobytes is higher than the rate of incoming messages per second. For example, to receive 2000 messages per second, set the so-rcvbuf() at least to 2 097 152 bytes. |
Type: | yes|no |
Default: | Use the global trim-large-messages() option, which defaults to no. |
Description: Determines what syslog-ng OSE does with incoming log messages that are received using the IETF-syslog protocol using the syslog() driver, and are longer than the value of log-msg-size(). Other drivers ignore the trim-large-messages() option.
If set to no, syslog-ng OSE drops the incoming log message.
If set to yes, syslog-ng OSE trims the incoming log message to the size set in log-msg-size(), and adds the trimmed tag to the message. The rest of the message is dropped. You can use the tag to filter on such messages.
filter f_trimmed { tags("trimmed"); };
If syslog-ng OSE trims a log message, it sends a debug-level log message to its internal() source.
As a result of trimming, a parser could fail to parse the trimmed message. For example, a trimmed JSON or XML message will not be valid JSON or XML.
Available in syslog-ng OSE version
Uses the value of the global option if not specified.
Type: | tls options |
Default: | n/a |
Description: This option sets various options related to TLS encryption, for example, key/certificate files and trusted CA locations. TLS can be used only with tcp-based transport protocols. For details, see TLS options.
Type: | yes, no, persist_only |
Default: | yes |
Description: Enable or disable DNS usage. The persist_only option attempts to resolve hostnames locally from file (for example, from /etc/hosts). The syslog-ng OSE application blocks on DNS queries, so enabling DNS may lead to a Denial of Service attack. To prevent DoS, protect your syslog-ng network endpoint with firewall rules, and make sure that all hosts which may get to syslog-ng are resolvable. This option can be specified globally, and per-source as well. The local setting of the source overrides the global option if available.
NOTE: This option has no effect if the keep-hostname() option is enabled (keep-hostname(yes)) and the message contains a hostname.
Type: | yes or no |
Default: | no |
Description: Add Fully Qualified Domain Name instead of short hostname. This option can be specified globally, and per-source as well. The local setting of the source overrides the global option if available.
NOTE: This option has no effect if the keep-hostname() option is enabled (keep-hostname(yes)) and the message contains a hostname.
Using the nodejs() driver, syslog-ng OSE can receive application logs directly from nodejs applications that use the widespread Winston logging API. The syslog-ng OSE application automatically adds the .nodejs.winston. prefix to the name of the fields the extracted from the message.
To use the nodejs() driver, the scl.conf file must be included in your syslog-ng OSE configuration:
@include "scl.conf"
The nodejs() driver is actually a reusable configuration snippet configured to receive log messages using the network() driver, and process its JSON contents. For details on using or writing such configuration snippets, see Reusing configuration blocks. You can find the source of the nodejs configuration snippet on GitHub.
The following example uses the default settings of the driver, listening for messages on port 9003 of every IP address of the syslog-ng OSE host.
@include "scl.conf" source apps { nodejs(); };
The following example listens only on IP address, port 9999.
@include "scl.conf" source apps { nodejs( localip( port(9999) ) };
NOTE: For details on the parameters of the nodejs() driver, see nodejs() source options.
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