The following configuration parameters are additionally available in One Identity Manager after the module has been installed.

Table 20: Configuration parameters for the Helpdesk Module
Configuration parameter Description

Help desk

Preprocessor relevant configuration parameter to control the component parts for the Helpdesk Module. If the parameter is set, the help desk components are available. Changes to this parameter require the database to be recompiled.

If you disable the configuration parameter at a later date, model components and scripts that are not longer required, are disabled. SQL procedures and triggers are still carried out. For more information about the behavior of preprocessor relevant configuration parameters and conditional compiling, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

Helpdesk | Attachment

Specifies whether information about attachments to a call is provided.

Helpdesk | Attachment | CreatePathScript

Script for creating the attachments directory. An example implementation is in the VI_AE_CreateAttachmentPath script.

Helpdesk | Attachment | DialogScript

Script for generating the directory path for calls repository. An example implementation is in the VI_AE_GetAttachmentPath script.

Helpdesk | Attachment | RootPath

Root path for call attachments, such as \\SERV01\Attachments.

Helpdesk | AutomatedTroubleWorkTimes

Specifies how to record the call processing times. If the parameter is set, the time from opening the call to saving the call is measured and entered as call processing time. If the parameter is not set, processing times have to entered manually.

Helpdesk | ExcludeColumns

Llist (comma delimited) of TroubleTicket table columns excluded by the blocking logic of IsClosed and IsHistory.

Helpdesk | HoliDayRule

Rules for working hours, weekends, and public holidays in the help desk. These are taken into account when calculating reaction and solution times.

Helpdesk | PersonInTroubleChangeable

Specifies whether the person reporting the issues can be changed.

Helpdesk | ReactionTime

Default time in minutes in which a reaction must take place.

Helpdesk | SolutionTime

Default time in hours in which the issue must be solved.

Helpdesk | TroubleHistory

Specifies whether a call history is logged. An entry is created in the call history for each action.