In this expandable item, you can use the following options:
This expandable item provides the following options:
Delimiter: Select the delimiter used in the file you specified.
Use first row for attribute names: Select this check box if the first line of the specified file contains names of attributes. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.
Advanced: Click this button to specify advanced options to access the delimited text file, such as encoding, row delimiter, value delimiter, and text qualifier.
You can use this expandable item to view and modify the delimited text file schema saved in the configuration database.
When you create a connection to a delimited text file, reads the schema in the file (that is, the fields or columns related to each record in the file), and then saves the schema in the configuration database. then uses the saved file schema to read and modify the data in the connected file. Should the schema in the connected file change, you will need to reflect these changes in the Schema option so that could correctly handle (read and write) the data in the changed file.
This expandable item provides the following options:
Attributes: Lists the names of attributes that correspond to certain columns or fields in the connected file. Basically, these are the names of attributes you can select and use in the for each object in the connected delimited text file.
Add: Allows you to add a new entry (for example, column or field) to the file schema saved in the configuration database. You can use this button in case a new column or field was added to the connected file and you want to reflect this change in the file schema saved in the configuration database.
Edit: Allows you to edit the name of the selected attribute associated with a certain column or field in the connected file. For example, you can use this button in case a field or column name was changed in the connected file and you want to reflect this change in the file schema saved in the configuration database. Also you can use this button to edit the display name of a attribute associated with a certain column or field in the connected file.
Remove: Allows you to remove the selected attribute from the file schema saved in the configuration database. For example, you can use this button in case a field or column name was deleted from the connected file and you want to reflect this change in the file schema saved in the configuration database.
Reload scheme: Allows you to update the file schema saved in the configuration database by reloading the schema from the file to the configuration database. As a result, the file schema saved in the configuration database will be completely rewritten with new data from the file.
Up arrow: Moves the selected attribute up.
Down arrow: Moves the selected attribute down.
This expandable item provides the following options that allow you to specify the attributes with which you wish to uniquely identify each object in the delimited text file:
Available attributes: Lists the attributes that are available in the external data system. Use this list to select the attributes whose values you want to use to generate a unique identifier for each object in the external data system. You can filter attributes by typing in the text box at the top of this list. To select multiple attributes, hold down CTRL and click to select attributes in the list.
UniqueID attributes: Lists the attributes whose values are currently used to generate a unique identifier for each object in the external data system.
Add->: Moves the selected attributes from the Available attributes list to the UniqueID attributes list.
<-Remove: Moves the selected attributes from the UniqueID attributes list to the Available attributes list.
Constructed UniqueID: Displays a combination of the attributes whose values will make up a unique identifier for each object in the external data system.