Depending on your goals, you can perform a soft delete or a hard delete.

Soft delete the connection

When a session connection is deleted, the connection information is soft deleted so that a relink of the same Safeguard for Privileged Sessions appliance can reuse the same values. This approach of soft deleting and reusing the same connection values on a relink avoids "breaking" all of the Access Request Polices that referenced the previous session connection.

Hard delete the connection

A hard delete can be performed to permanently remove the session connection. This is usually only done in cases where either a relink is not desired or retaining the previous session connection values is preventing a Safeguard for Privileged Sessions appliance from linking or relinking.

A hard delete can be performed from the API using the following steps for using PowerShell or Swagger.

Hard delete with PowerShell

The latest version of Safeguard PowerShell includes two cmdlets to perform the hard delete:

split-safeguardSessionCluster -SessionMaster <name or ID of session master>

Remove-SafeguardSessionSplitCluster -SessionMaster <name or ID of session master>

For more information, see OneIdentity/safeguard-ps.

Hard delete with Swagger

To perform hard deletion with Swagger

  1. In a browser, navigate to https://<your-ip-address>/service/core/swagger.

  2. Authenticate to the service using the Authorize button.

  3. Navigate to Cluster->GET /v4/cluster/SessionModules and click Try it out!.

  4. Identify if the unwanted session connection exists on the list:

    1. If the unwanted session connection exists in the list, then:

      1. Note the ID of the session connection.

      2. Navigate to Cluster DELETE /v4/cluster/SessionModules.

      3. Enter the ID.

      4. Click Try it out!.

      5. Go to step 3.

    2. If the unwanted session connection does not exist in the list, then:

      1. Set the includeDisconnected parameter to true.

      2. Click Try it out!.

      3. If the unwanted session connection exists in the list, then go to step 4a to delete the entry a second time which will result in a hard delete.

  5. The process is complete and the session connection is permanently removed.