SPP uses the SSH protocol to connect to Unix-based systems.

To prepare Unix-based systems (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Macintosh OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD platforms)

  1. Create a service account on the asset with sufficient permissions.

    You need to at least configure a password or SSH key for the service account. If you want to use an SSH key generated and configured by SPP, then you also need to make sure the service account’s home directory exists.

  2. Ensure that the service account can run the following list of commands with root privileges non-interactively; that is, without prompting for a password.

    For example, on a Linux system add the following line in the sudoers file:

    <SerAcctName> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/passwd

    The commands a service account must run with root privileges non-interactively are:

    Linux and most Unix-based systems:

    • egrep
    • grep
    • modprpw (hpux only)
    • passwd

      NOTE: Additional sudo commands may be required for Unix-based systems. For example, see SSH Key for a list of commands required for configuring SSH authentication keys on a managed system.


    • chuser
    • sed
    • grep
    • passwd
    • pwdadm

    Mac OS X

    • dscacheutil
    • dscl
    • passwd
  3. Enable and configure the SSH server to allow the service account to log in remotely. For example, on a Mac, enable Remote Login for the service account.

    NOTE: Different versions of Linux and Unix may require slightly different parameters for SSH configuration. Consult a Linux/Unix system administrator or the system documentation for assistance.