E-Business Suite security groups
You use E-Business Suite security groups to further restrict the responsibilities of user accounts. Security groups are imported into the One Identity Manager database during synchronization. You cannot edit the properties.
To display the properties of a security group:
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Security groups category.
Select the security group in the result list.
Select the Change main data task.
To obtain an overview of a security group:
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Security groups category.
Select the security group in the result list.
Select the E-Business Suite security group overview task.
E-Business Suite attributes
E-Business Suite Attributes further restrict the responsibilities of user accounts. For this purpose, attributes can be assigned both to user accounts and to responsibilities. Attributes are defined for each E-Business Suite application. They are imported into the One Identity Manager database during synchronization. You cannot edit the properties.
To display the properties of an attribute:
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Applications > <Application> > Attributes category.
Select the attribute in the result list.
Select the Change main data task.
Attributes that are assigned to user accounts or responsibilities are called security attributes. They can be modified by additional values. These relationships are displayed on the overview form for an attribute.
To view an overview of an attribute
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Applications > <Application> > Attributes category.
Select the attribute in the result list.
Select the E-Business Suite attribute overview task.
On the overview form for an attribute, click an assigned user account or an assigned responsibility to open the main data form for the assignment. Here you will see the value used to modify this assignment.
E-Business Suite responsibilities
E-Business Suite responsibilities control the access permissions of a user account in Oracle E-Business Suite. Responsibilities refer to one specific version. E-Business Suite responsibilities are imported into the One Identity Manager database by the synchronization. You cannot edit the properties.
E-Business Suite attributes further restrict the responsibilities. Lists of security attributes and exclusion attributes can be defined. Sub-menus can be explicitly excluded from the assignment to a responsibility. These relationships are displayed on the overview form.
Displaying main data of E-Business Suite responsibilities
To display the properties of a responsibility:
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Applications > <Application> > Responsibilities category.
Select the responsibility in the result list.
Select Change main data.
To obtain an overview of a responsibility:
In the Manager, select the Oracle E-Business Suite > Hierarchical view > <E-Business Suite system> > Applications > <Application> > Responsibilities category.
Select the responsibility in the result list.
Select the E-Business Suite responsibility overview task.
On the overview form for a responsibility, you can click an assigned security attribute to open the main data form for the assignment. Here you will see the value used to modify this assignment.
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