Accessing objects' display values
Display pattern corresponding to an object's DisplayPattern column:
Display pattern corresponding to an object's DisplayPatternLong column:
Example of usage on the base object
Example of usage over foreign key relation
For assignments ofActive Directory groups to departments, use the ADSGroup's DisplayPatternLong.
Using base objects
The Base. syntax always accesses the object that is currently loaded. The base. object can be used in tasks, selection scripts for object definitions and insert values. However, the base. object cannot be used in templates, formatting scripts, or processes.
Simple value assignment
Base.PutValue("<column>", <value>)
Value assignment with variable replacement (value must be a character string)
Base.PutValue("<column>", context.Replace(<value>))
Base.PutValue("IsForITShop", 1)
Base.PutValue("UID_ADSContainer", context.Replace("%cont%"))
Calling functions
Functions are stored in the script library (DialogScript table).
Example of a function in the script library
Public Function BuildInternalName(ByVal Firstname As String,ByVal Lastname As String) As String
BuildInternalName = Lastname & Firstname
End Function
Usage of the function in a template on person.internalname
Value = BuildInternalName($Firstname$, $Lastname$)
Pre-scripts for use in processes and process steps
Pre-script code is code that is run before other scripts are run. You can define process specific variables. Process specific variables are local data spaces when a process is generated. They are used for determining values on a one-off basis within a pre-script, which can then be made further use of within the processes and their processes steps, for example, in generating conditions or server selection scripts, or in the parameters.
NOTE: It is recommended only to set process specific variables in the pre-script and to have read access to them during further usage.
Syntax in the pre-script of a process
values("Name") = "value"
Usage in the process and process step code sections
Value = values("Name")