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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Web Portal User Guide

Getting started Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests Attestation Compliance Responsibilities
My responsibilities
Employees System entitlements Business roles System roles Departments Cost centers Locations Application roles Resources Assignment resources Multi-request resources Multi-requestable/unsubscribable resources Software Devices Adding tags for service items
Task delegation Ownerships Auditing Governance administration
Applications Calls Settings Discovering your statistics on the start page

Adding information

You can add additional information to your personal request templates.

To add more information to a request

  1. Open Maintain templates.

    Cart Templates is displayed.

    TIP: Click next to the template to expand the contents and view each item.

  2. Use to open the template details.

    This opens Edit template.

  3. Enter the desired information in the fields and enable the options.

  4. Click Save.

Shopping cart

Your requests are stored in your shopping cart until you are ready to submit them. Each separate request in your shopping cart is added to a total request and given a shopping cart ID number. If your requests should be submitted later, you can save them in a list.

NOTE: Rule checking is only available if the Compliance Rules Module is installed. For more detailed information about rule checking, see the One Identity Manager IT Shop Administration Guide.

Check only checks whether the requester has the permissions required for the request. The request is also checked for compliance violations. After validation, a prompt appears to confirm whether you want to submit the request.

NOTE: In certain circumstances, you may cause a compliance violation when you grant approval to a request, which allocates a specific entitlement to a business role. For example, an employee may obtain an unauthorized entitlement through this business role. In these cases, the compliance violation is displayed in the detailed content view of the shopping cart.

One of the following icons is displayed in Status.

Table 26: Checking status



Request can be made.

Request violates a rule but can still be made.

This icon can also indicate that a mandatory product is missing.

Request cannot be made due to missing request permissions.

Or the product has already been assigned.


If the request verification is still pending, a advice notice is shown in the main context view.

To open the "Shopping Cart" menu

  • Open the Request | My Requests menu and click Shopping Cart.
Detailed information about this topic

Viewing requests

You can view your requests with all their detailed in the shopping cart. If there is a request in your shopping cart, the icon is displayed in the header of My Requests.

TIP: If the shopping cart is empty, you can switch to Request, the request history, or your saved for later list from here.

To view your shopping cart

  1. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • Open Shopping Cart.

    • Click in the header.

  2. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • This displays all the individual items in your shopping cart.

    • Open the grouped entry by clicking .

      This expands grouped entries and displays more detail.

  3. Use the options in My Shopping Cart to choose how to display the contents of your cart.

Edit shopping cart

The Shopping Cart menu contains several buttons and options that you can use to edit your requests. The buttons and actions are explained in the following table.

Table 27: Edit options in "Shopping Cart"



Input fields

These fields are an aid for adding additional information and editing request properties. This additional data could be, for example, that a request violates a compliance rule under specific conditions. These fields are available amongst others in a dialog after triggering a
request. Input fields are provided in the following places:
  • In the shopping cart
  • Saved for later
  • In the request template

Deletes the request
  • from the shopping cart
  • From the saved for later list
  • From the request template

Saves additional information in the request's
detailed content view.

Request for multiple employees

Duplicates requests from the shopping cart for other employees. You will find this action in the main content view in the Actions menu.For more information, see Request for other employees.

Save for Later

Moves requests from the shopping cart to the saved list. You will find this action in the main content view in the Actions menu.

Shows the information in the detailed content view about the request currently marked in the shopping cart.

In some cases, this icon is available as an action on the product if a request with dependent products cannot be sent.

Check only

Verifies the requests in the shopping cart.
You will find this function in the context menu in the My Shopping Cart view. After checking, you are informed whether the request can be carried out.

Template from
from shopping cart

Creates a template from the shopping cart for reuse. For another employee, for example.

Delete invalid requests

Removes requests from the shopping cart that either violate a rule or require other entitlements.
You will find this function in the context menu in the My Shopping Cart view.

Delete shopping cart

Deletes the entire shopping cart contents with one click.
You will find this function in the context menu in the My Shopping Cart view.

Edit shopping cart

To edit the shopping cart. For example, to write a
reason for the request.

Check & submit shopping cart

Checks and sends the shopping cart for processing. You can find this button at the bottom of
the My Shopping Cart view.

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