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Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Web Portal User Guide

Getting started Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests Attestation Compliance Responsibilities
My responsibilities
Employees System entitlements Business roles System roles Departments Cost centers Locations Application roles Resources Assignment resources Multi-request resources Multi-requestable/unsubscribable resources Software Devices Adding tags for service items
Task delegation Ownerships Auditing Governance administration
Applications Calls Settings Discovering your statistics on the start page

Editing attestation policies

You can edit attestation policies in Attestation Policy Settings. If you enable Include deactivated policies, you can also edit these policies.

To edit an attestation policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Mark the desired attestation policy and click in the Actions column.

    NOTE: The system contains default attestation policies. These policies can only be edited to a limited degree. Until now, only Approval policy, Calculation schedule, Processing time and the option Close obsolete tasks automatically could be edited. If you want to make changes to a default attestation policy, create a copy and edit the copy.

    NOTE: If Close obsolete tasks automatically is set, you cannot hide processed attestation cases which are beyond the deadline.

  3. Edit the policy as required in Master data.

    For more information, see Adding attestation policies. You can also add new conditions, and change or delete existing ones. Your permissions determine which data you are permitted to edit. For more information, see Adding conditions.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying attestation procedures

Before you save data or changes for attestation policies, you can set the link type for selecting the object. Set this in Attestation procedure when you add or edit a new attestation policy. The following link types are available.

Table 36: Link types

Link Type



All conditions must be fulfilled:

New attestation cases are added for all objects fulfilling all of the conditions the next time the attestation policy is executed. If one of the objects to attest does not fulfill a condition, this object is not attested. In addition, use of this link type generates a intersecting set of all the individual conditions of the selected objects.

Example: For the attestation policy of type "Membership in organizations", there are the condition "Departments with matching names" and "Attestation by attestation status". If this link type is set, the sum of the results for both conditions is displayed in addition to the results for each condition separately.

At least one condition must be fulfilled:

New attestation cases are added for all objects fulfilling at least one of the conditions the next time the attestation policy is executed. Use of this link type generates a superset of all the individual conditions of the selected objects.

Several conditions apply to the attestation policy mentioned above. During the attestation case, the superset of attestation objects is displayed as the sum of objects found because this link type requires at least condition to be met.

To select object link types

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Perform one of the following tasks:
    1. Create a new attestation policy.

      For more information, see Adding attestation policies.

    2. Edit the desired attestation policy.

      For more information, see Editing attestation policies.

  3. Perform one of the following tasks:
    1. Assign an attestation procedure to the attestation policy using Assign in Master data.
    2. Assign a different attestation procedure to the attestation policy using Change in Master data.
  4. Save the changes.

Copying attestation policies

In Attestation Policy Settings, you can also copy and edit attestation policies. If you enable Include deactivated policies, you can also edit these policies.

Copied attestation policies can be deleted again.

To copy an attestation policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Mark the desired attestation policy and click in the Actions column.

    NOTE: The system contains default attestation policies. These policies can only be edited to a limited degree. Until now, only Approval policy, Calculation schedule, Processing time, and the option Close obsolete tasks automatically could be edited. If you want to make changes to a default attestation policy, create a copy and edit the copy.

    NOTE: If Close obsolete tasks automatically is set, you cannot hide processed attestation cases which are beyond the deadline.

  3. Edit the policy as required in Master data.

    For more information, see Adding attestation policies. You can also add new conditions, and change or delete existing ones. Your permissions determine which data you are permitted to edit. For more information, see Adding conditions.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting attestation policies

In Attestation Policy Settings you can delete attestation policies.

Copied attestation policies can be deleted again both in Attestation Policy Settings and Edit attestation policy.

To delete an attestation policy

  1. Open the Attestation Policy Settings menu.
  2. Perform one of the following tasks.
    1. Select the copied attestation policy and click in the Actions column.

      - OR -

    2. Select the required attestation policy that you want to copy or that you have already copied, and click in the Actions column.

      The Edit attestation policy view is displayed.

    3. Click Delete if you no longer need to edit the policy.
  3. Confirm the delete prompt with Yes.

    The attestation policy is removed from the list.

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