In the Web Designer, you can specify whether it is possible to make a request using another user's requests. This function means requesting by reference user. To do this you must edit "VI_ITShop_ProductSelectionByReferenceUser" in the Web Designer.
To enable or disable requesting by reference user
- Open the Web Designer.
- Open "VI_ITShop_ProduCtSelection" and search for "VI_ITShop_ProductSelectionByReferenceUser".
- Select "VI_ITShop_ProductSelectionByReferenceUser".
- In the definition tree view, choose
to switch to the Configuration (custom) view. where you can edit the configuration parameter.
- Perform one of the following tasks.
- To disable requesting by reference user: In the Node editor view, set the value True.
- To enable requesting by reference user: In the Node editor view, set the value false.
To set the number of reference users displayed in the Web Portal when you select a reference user, you must configure the configuration parameter in Web Designer.
NOTE: If you can include the variable %useruid% if want to reference the current user.
To set the number of reference users displayed
- Open the Web Designer.
- Open a module and search for "VI_ITShop_Filter_PersonReference".
- Select "VI_ITShop_Filter_PersonReference".
- Enter the desired value Value in the Node editor.
There are difference ways you can configure the shopping cart in the Web Portal.
Detailed information about this topic
Table 2: Configuration parameters for the request priority
VI_ITShop_DisablePWOPriorityChange |
Disables the priority's setting for a request made by a user in the Web Portal. |
By default, users can set the priority of their own request.
To disable a priority setting
- Open the Web Designer.
- Open a module and search for "VI_ITShop_DisablePWOPriorityChange".
- Select "VI_ITShop_DisablePWOPriorityChange".
- Set the value to true in the Node editor view.