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Identity Manager 9.2.1 - API Development Guide

WebSocket methods

Use WebSocket methods in situations where bidirectional, event controlled communications is required. You define the processing as well as input and output data within the WebSocket method.

NOTE: When the session ends or the server, all open WebSocket connections are also closed.

For examples of WebSocket methods, see the SDK under Sdk01_Basics\19-WebSockets.cs.

For more information about WebSocket implementation, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.websockets.websocket?view=net-8.0.

HTTP methods

HTTP requests can apply the following HTTP methods:

  • GET: This method requests data from the application server.

  • PUT: This method changes data on the application server.

  • POST: This method creates data on the application server.

  • DELETE: This method deletes data on the application server.

Date formats

Date values in requests to change or add objects must be specified in ISO 8601 format in the client's local time zone.



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Parameter formats

HTTP requests use the following types of parameters:

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