Example for use in process step parameters:
Optional process step parameters are not generated if the value is set to Nothing or not assigned in the value template. This makes it possible to limit the number of parameters for target system components. If such a value should be cleared, an empty string should be transferred instead of Nothing.
A value template may look like this:
If $Lastname[o]$ <> $Lastname$ Then
End If
NOTE: For some standard columns such as XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated, XOrigin, XIsInEffect, and XMarkedForDeletion, the new values are only mapped after saving the object. This means that when processing the templates, the new column value is always the same as the old value (for example, $XDateUpdated[o]$ = $XDateUpdated$).
When a display value for a column is created, the Multilingual (IsMultiLanguage) and List of permitted values (LimitedValues) properties are resolved.
To access the display value of a column's old value, combine the [O] and [D] properties.
$column name[OD]$
$column name[DO]$
Example of use:
A list of permitted values is defined for the restriction type of the HCL Domino server restrictions.
PrivateList=Run Personal Agent RestrictedList=Run Restricted Agent UnrestrictedList=Run Unrestricted Agent
If a server restriction has the PrivateList value, the Run Personal Agent value is displayed on the information form.
Example for use in templates:
The display value for the server restriction should be formatted from the name of the HCL Domino user and the display value of the restriction type.
Value = vid_Left($FK(UID_NotesUser).FullName1st$,39) & " [" & vid_Left($NotesAgentMgrType[D]$, 22) & "]"
The preprocessor also interprets references that are embedded in comments, for example, $Lastname$. Referencing a column in a script comment results in the script being run when the column value is changed.
Example for use in templates:
An identity’s starting date is filled with a template. This template should run when the identity’s surname changes. The template for Person.Entrydate is therefore:
Value = Date