Account definition |
Account definition name. |
User account table |
Table in the One Identity Manager schema that maps user accounts. |
Target system |
Target system to which the account definition applies. |
Required account definition |
Specifies the required account definition. Define the dependencies between account definitions. When this account definition is requested or assigned, the required account definition is assigned automatically.
TIP: You can enter the account definition of the corresponding Microsoft Entra ID tenant here. In this case, an Microsoft Entra ID user account is first created for the identity. Once this user account exists, the SharePoint Online user account is added. |
Description |
Text field for additional explanation. |
Manage level (initial) |
Manage level to use by default when you add new user accounts. |
Risk index |
Value for evaluating the risk of assigning the account definition to identities. Set a value in the range 0 to 1. This input field is only visible if the QER | CalculateRiskIndex configuration parameter is set.
For more information, see the One Identity Manager Risk Assessment Administration Guide. |
Service item |
Service item through which you can request the account definition resource in the IT Shop. Assign an existing service item or add a new one. |
IT Shop |
Specifies whether the account definition can be requested through the IT Shop. This account definition can be requested through the Web Portal and allocated by defined approval processes. The resource can also be assigned directly to identities and roles outside the IT Shop. |
Only for use in IT Shop |
Specifies whether the account definition can only be requested through the IT Shop. This account definition can be requested through the Web Portal and allocated by defined approval processes. The account definition cannot be directly assigned to roles outside the IT Shop. |
Automatic assignment to identities |
Specifies whether the account definition is automatically assigned to all internal identities. To automatically assign the account definition to all internal identity, use the Enable automatic assignment to identities The account definition is assigned to every identity that is not marked as external. Once a new internal identity is created, they automatically obtain this account definition.
To automatically remove the account definition assignment from all identities, use the Disable automatic assignment to identities. The account definition cannot be reassigned to identities from this point on. Existing account definition assignments remain intact. |
Retain account definition if permanently disabled |
Specifies the account definition assignment to permanently deactivated identities.
Option set: The account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account remains intact.
Option not set (default): The account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted. |
Retain account definition if temporarily disabled |
Specifies the account definition assignment to temporarily deactivated identities.
Option set: The account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account remains intact.
Option not set (default): The account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted. |
Retain account definition on deferred deletion |
Specifies the account definition assignment on deferred deletion of identities.
Option set: The account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account remains intact.
Option not set (default): The account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted. |
Retain account definition on security risk |
Specifies the account definition assignment to identities posing a security risk.
Option set: The account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account remains intact.
Option not set (default): The account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted. |
Resource type |
Resource type for grouping account definitions. |
Spare field 01 - spare field 10 |
Additional company-specific information. Use the Designer to customize display names, formats, and templates for the input fields. |
Groups can be inherited |
Specifies whether the user account can inherit groups through the linked identity. If the option is set, the user account inherits groups through hierarchical roles, in which the identity is a member, or through IT Shop requests.
If you add an identity with a user account to a department, for example, and you have assigned groups to this department, the user account inherits these groups.
If an identity has requested group membership in the IT Shop and the request is granted approval, the identity's user account only inherits the group if the option is set. |
Roles can be inherited |
Specifies whether the user account can inherit SharePoint Online roles through the linked identity. If the option is set, the user account inherits the roles through hierarchical roles, in which the identity is a member, or through IT Shop requests. |