One Identity Manager distinguishes between manual sampling and automatic sampling. Automatic sampling can trigger the generation of sample data as follows:
Event-based: All modified objects of an object class (table from which the sample data is selected) are calculated.
Example: All user accounts whose risk index has increased since the previous attestation.
For the default Monthly organizational changes of employees sample, the sample data are generated event-based.
In the sample, the Manually selected option is disabled.
To generate sample data for an event-based sample
In the Designer, create a process that is generated when changes are made to the table given in the sample. Use the Execute SQL process task from the SQLComponent process component.
Determine the value of the SQLStmt parameter with the following query:
Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter Value = f.StoredProcedure(New SQLFunction("QER", "''", "PPickedItemInsert"), _ f.FormatValue("<UID_QERPickCategory>", ValType.String, True), _ f.FormatValue($XObjectKey$, ValType.String, True) _ )
UID_QERPickCategory: Unique identifier of the sample whose sample data is to be generated.
For more information about defining processes, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.
If the Remove items after attestation run option is set in the sample, the sample data will be deleted as soon as an attestation run is completed. This way ensures that the sample always contains only those objects that have been changed since the previous attestation.