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지원 담당자와 채팅

Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Resolving errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples Glossary

How to copy a workflow

To copy a workflow

  1. Select the Workflows category.

  2. Select the workflow in the navigation view.

  3. Click in the navigation view.

  4. Edit the workflow properties.

  5. Click OK.

How to delete a workflow

To delete a workflow

  1. Select the Workflows category.
  2. Select the workflow in the navigation view.
  3. Click in the navigation view.
  4. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

Creating workflows with the workflow wizard

The project wizard creates a synchronizationClosed workflow for initially loading the target system objects into the One Identity Manager database. You can use the workflow wizard to set up more workflows. The workflow wizard specifies workflows for the direction of synchronizationClosed "target system".

To create a workflow with the workflow wizard

  1. Select the Workflows category.
  2. Click in the navigation view.

    This starts the workflow wizard.

    Click Next.

  3. Enter the following workflow properties
    Table 48: General workflow properties
    Property Description
    Display name Enter a display name for the workflow.
    Description Text field for additional explanation.

    Click Next.

  4. Select the mappingClosed to be handled by the workflow.

    All mappings are enabled by default.

    To disable a mapping, double-click .

    To enable a mapping, double-click .

    NOTE: The Part of hierarchy displays which mappings form part of the object hierarchy. To prevent errors, all mappings, which map the object hierarchy, must be entirely selected or entirely de-selected.
  5. Specify the mappings for which revision filtering is permitted.

    RevisionClosed filtering is permitted for all mappings, by default.

    Click Next.

  6. Specify synchronization behavior for the object pair whose properties have changed.
    1. In the Database method column, select the processing method to be executed in the One Identity Manager database.

      - OR -

    2. In the Target systemClosed method column, select the processing method to be executed in the target system.

    Click Next.

  7. Specify synchronization behavior for the objects that only exist in the One Identity Manager database.
    1. In the Database method column, select the processing method to be executed in the One Identity Manager database.

      - OR -

    2. In the Target system method column, select the processing method to be executed in the target system.

    Click Next.

  8. Specify synchronization behavior for objects that only exist in the target system.
    1. In the Database method column, select the processing method to be executed in the One Identity Manager database.

      - OR -

    2. In the Target system method column, select the processing method to be executed in the target system.

    Click Next.

  9. Click Close to end the workflow wizard.

    This creates the workflow. You can check the properties of the WorkflowClosed and the synchronization steps with the workflow editor and rework them.

NOTE: A disabled synchronization step is added if no processing methods have been specified for a mapping.
Detailed information about this topic

Properties of a workflow

Enter the following properties for a workflow.

Table 49: General workflow properties




Workflow display name.

Direction of synchronizationClosed

Select the direction in which synchronization should take place.

  • Defined by execution: The synchronization direction is defined in the start up configuration.

    For more information, see Start up configuration properties.

  • Target systemClosed: One Identity Manager is the master system for synchronization.

  • One Identity Manager The target system is the master system for synchronization.

RevisionClosed filtering

The revision filtering can be used to limit synchronization to just the objects that have been modified since the last synchronization.

For more information, see How does revision filtering work?.

  • Defined by execution: The required behavior is defined in the start up configuration.

  • Use revision filter: Only modified objects are synchronized.

  • Do not use revision filter: All objects are synchronized.

Error Handling

Specify whether synchronization should be continued if an error occurs during processing of synchronization objects (adding, deleting, updating, and reloading objects). Object processing is continued using the next object; the error is logged.

To optimize error localization, you can abort synchronization if an error occurs during the processing of synchronization objects. In this case, no further synchronization objects are processed.

NOTE: This property does not affect configuration, network, or general synchronization errors (for example, if it is not possible to resolve a reference). The effectiveness of this property depends on the actual error, error position, the target system, and the implementation of the target system connectors.
  • Continue on error: Processing continues with the next object. Errors are logged.

    This option should be used for productive systems.

  • Break on error: Synchronization is aborted.

    This option should only be used to find errors, for example in going live processes.

Dependency resolution

Specify how dependencies between synchronization step are resolved.

For more information, see How does dependency resolution work?.

  • Automatic: Dependencies are resolved automatically.

    One Identity Manager determines the sequence of the synchronization steps automatically. It takes into account dependencies between schema classes to synchronize and schema properties.

  • Manual: Dependencies are not resolved.

    The synchronization steps are processed sequentially in the order listed in the workflow view. Dependencies between the schema classes and the schema properties must be taken into account when compiling the synchronization steps.


Text field for additional explanation.

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