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Identity Manager 9.2.1 - Release Notes

Long Term Support (LTS) and Feature Releases

You can choose between two paths for receiving releases; Long Term Support (LTS) Release or Feature Release.

Long Term Support (LTS)

  • The initial One Identity Manager LTS release is 9.0. For all LTS releases of One Identity Manager, the first digit identifies the release and the second is always a zero (for example, 9.0).

  • Maintenance LTS Releases (known as Cumulative Updates): A third digit is added; for example, 9.0.1.

Feature Release

  • Feature Releases' version numbers are two digits (for example, 9.1, 9.2, etc).

The table below shows a comparison of Long Term Support (LTS) Release and Feature Release.

Table 35: Comparison of Long Term Support (LTS) Release and Feature Release


Long Term Support (LTS) Release

Feature Release

Release frequency

Every 36 months (includes resolved issues and security related updates).

Approximately every 12 months (includes resolved issues and security related updates).

Duration of full support

36 months

18 months

Duration of limited support

12 months (after the end of full support)

6 months (after the end of full support)


All versions where the second number is 0. For example: 9.0.0 (9.0.1, 9.0.2,), 10.0.0, 11.0.0, and so on.

All versions where the second number is not 0. For example: 9.1.0 (9.1.1, 9.1.2), 9.2, 9.3, and so on.

Duration of service pack availability between releases

Approximately every 6 months, cumulative updates (CUs) are expected for each LTS release.

Every 6 months patch releases (service pack) are expected for each feature release currently supported.

Criteria for issuing hotfixes for LTS outside of a cumulative update cycle

  • The product is not functioning after installing the most recent CU and the customer cannot wait until the next CU is available.

  • The product is not functioning/is inoperable which is causing a production outage/serious issue.

  • A security related fix is needed on a priority basis to address a vulnerability.

  • No fixes will be issued to implement an enhancement outside of the cumulative update cycle.


Release details can be found at Product Life Cycle.

One Identity strongly recommends always installing the latest revision of the release path chosen by the customers/partners (Long Term Support path or Feature Release path).

Moving between LTS versions and Feature Release versions

You can move from an LTS version (for example, 9.0 LTS) by installing a later feature release or version (for example 9.2). Once this has happened, you are not on the LTS support path until the next LTS base version (10.0, etc.) is installed.

You can move from a Feature Release to an LTS Release, but only to an LTS release with a later version. For example, you cannot move from 9.2 to 9.0 LTS. You have to keep upgrading with each new Feature Release until the next LTS Release version is published. For this example, you would wait until 10.0 LTS is available.


For LTS, there are no patches released, only hotfixes, and these are distributed only in rare cases. Refer to the previous table to see the criteria for LTS hotfixes. These hotfixes need to be applied in order of their release.

LTS has periodic cumulative updates (CUs) provided for LTS customers, which roll out the issues resolved during that period. It is not required to install every CU separately. For instance, if CU1 is released followed by CU 2, you do not need to install CU1 before installing CU2. The CUs are cumulative.

For more information, see the knowledge article 4372133

For customers on the feature release option track, maintenance releases are cumulative, meaning that maintenance releases do not need intermediate releases to be installed to update to a newer maintenance release. This is unchanged from previous versions. For example, if you want currently use version 9.1.1 and want to upgrade to 9.2, and, for example, versions 9.1.3, 9.1.4, and 9.1.5 have been released, you only have to install version 9.2 and it automatically applies the resolved issues from 9.1.3, 9.1.4, and 9.1.5.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Long Term Support (LTS)?

  • LTS is a support option that allows you to stay on the same release for an extended period of time while still receiving the high level of support that One Identity is known for. While on the LTS path, you receive updates aimed at resolving issues and vulnerabilities. There are not, however, any product enhancements or features delivered while on the LTS release.

What are the benefits to being on an LTS release?

  • Some enterprises have a difficult time in keeping up with the migration to new releases in a timely manner to fit within the vendor’s support guidelines. This allows the enterprise to stay on one version for a considerable amount of time.

What are the disadvantages to being on an LTS release?

  • The negatives, of course, are missing out on receiving the latest enhancements and features from the vendor.

Duration of an LTS release

  • A Long Term Support (LTS) version provides you with up to 3 years of support after the original release date or until the next LTS release (which ever date is later); with an option to continue via Extended Security Support (ESS).

How do I make the move to the LTS support option?

  • When you install an LTS version, such as One Identity Manager 9.0, you are automatically on the LTS path. The choice you make for the next release that you install, determines whether you remain on LTS or go to the traditional support model.

Once I choose to go on the LTS path, can I ever move back to the feature release path?

  • Yes. You can do this by installing a later maintenance version or feature release. For example, if you currently have version 9.0 (LTS) and decide to move to 9.2, you will come off the LTS support path until you install the next base LTS version (10.0, etc.)

Is there an extra charge if I choose the LTS option?

  • No, long term support is included in your annual maintenance renewal. An option to continue limited support is offered at an additional charge via our Extended Security Support (ESS).

Product licensing

Use of this software is governed by the Software Transaction Agreement found at https://www.oneidentity.com/legal/sta.aspx. This software does not require an activation or license key to operate.

Upgrade and installation instructions

To install One Identity Manager 9.2.1 for the first time, follow the installation instructions in the One Identity Manager Installation Guide. For detailed instructions about updating, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

Advice for updating One Identity Manager

Advice for updating One Identity Manager

  • Test changes in a test system before you load a migration package into a production system. Use a copy of the production database for testing.

  • Ensure that the administrative system user, who is going to compile the database, has a password before you update the One Identity Manager database to version 9.2.1. Otherwise the schema update cannot be completed successfully.

  • For One Identity Manager databases on SQL Servers, it is recommended, on performance grounds, that you set the database to the Simple recovery model for the duration of the schema update.

  • During the update of a One Identity Manager database version 8.0.x to version 9.2.1, different columns that were already semantically defined as mandatory fields become physical mandatory fields.

    During the schema update with the Configuration Wizard, errors may occur due to inconsistent data. The update quits with an error message.

    <table>.<column> must not be null

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column '<column>', table '<table>'; column does not allow nulls.

    UPDATE fails

    Check and correct data consistency before updating a One Identity Manager database. In the add-on for the Configuration Module on the installation medium, a test script (\SDK\SQLSamples\MSSQL2K\30374.sql) is provided. In case it fails, correct the data and restart the update.

  • One Identity Manager uses In-Memory OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) for memory-optimized data accesses. The database server must support Extreme Transaction Processing (XTP). If XTP is not enabled, the installation or update will not start. Check whether the SQL Server property Supports Extreme Transaction Processing (IsXTPSupported) is set to True.

    The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to create memory-optimized tables:

    • A database file with the file type Filestream data must exist.

    • A memory-optimized data filegroup must exist.

    The Configuration Wizard checks whether these prerequisites are fulfilled before the One Identity Manager database can be installed or updated. The Configuration Wizard offers repair methods for creating the database file and database group.

  • During the update, calculation tasks are queued in the database. These are processed by the DBQueue Processor. Processing calculation tasks may take some time depending on the amount of data and system performance.

    This is particularly the case if you save large amounts of historical data in the One Identity Manager database, such as change data or data from process handling.

    Therefore, ensure that you have configured an appropriate procedure for archiving the data before you update the database. For more information about archiving data, see the One Identity Manager Data Archiving Administration Guide.

  • For the period of the update, the database is set to single user mode. Close all existing connections to the database before starting the schema update.

  • You may experience problems activating single-user mode when using database mirroring.

  • During installation of a new One Identity Manager database with version 9.2.1 or while updating a One Identity Manager database from version 8.0.x to version 9.2.1, you can specify whether you want to work with granular permissions at server and database level. The Configuration Wizard then creates SQL Server logins and database users with the necessary permissions for administrative user, configuration users and end users. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

    After updating One Identity Manager, change the connection parameters. This affects, for example, the connection data for the database (DialogDatabase), the One Identity Manager Service, the application server, the administration and configuration tools, the web applications and web services as well as the connection data in synchronization projects.

    NOTE: If you want to switch to the granular permissions concept when you upgrade from version 8.0.x to version 9.2.1, use an installation user with permissions for this permissions concept. For more detailed information about permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

    If you want to switch to granular permissions when you update from version 8.1.x at a later date, contact support. To access the Support Portal, go to https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/.

  • After the update has completed, the database switches automatically to multi-user mode. If this is not possible, you receive a message in which you can manually switch to multi-user mode.

  • Once this version has been installed, users that need to access the REST API in the application server require the Enables access to the REST API on the application server (AppServer_API) function. Assign this program function to the users. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.

  • Use the Modules\QBM\dvd\AddOn\SDK\SQLSamples\MSSQL2K\SDK_Remove_Rights_on_msdb.sql SDK script to remove permissions that are no longer required for the msdb database.

  • It is not recommended to perform an upgrade of the existing modules to a new One Identity Manager version and install additional modules at the same time. This may cause dependencies between modules to be constructed incorrectly. First update the existing modules to the new One Identity Manager version. Then restart the Configuration Wizard and install the additional modules.

  • Before you update a database with One Identity Manager version 8.2.x to a version 9.2.x, run the QBM\Database\MSSQL\040Procedures\QBM_GCommon2\QBM_PWriteDialogJournal.sql script in a suitable program for running SQL queries.

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