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Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS - Console User Guide

Introduction Getting started User or service account management Group management Computer account management Organizational Unit management Contact management Exchange recipient management


Active Roles is an administrative platform that facilitates administration and provisioning for Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange. Active Roles enables the organization to develop a flexible administrative structure that suits their needs, while ensuring secure delegation of tasks, reduced workloads, and lower costs.

Active Roles increases the productivity of system administrators and helpdesk operators by automating provisioning tasks on directory objects in compliance with corporate administrative policies in corporate Active Directory and Exchange environments. The policy enforcement featured in the product guarantees that every administrative action taken is consistent with corporate security standards, which is a top priority for most organizations.

The Active Roles Console User Guide is designed for individuals responsible for performing administrative tasks using the Active Roles Console (MMC Interface). This document provides information about the Active Roles Console user interface, and includes instructions to help delegated administrators and helpdesk operators perform day-to-day administrative activities.

The Active Roles Console User Guide is supplemented with the Active Roles Administration Guide that provides conceptual information about the product, and includes systematic instructions on how to deploy the Active Roles administrative structure.


Getting started

This section provides an overview on how to start using the Active Roles Console for day-to-day administration operations by describing:

  • How to start the Active Roles Console.

  • The main parts of the Active Roles Console user interface.

  • The main use cases of administering resources in Active Roles, such as using Managed Units, configuring filters, finding objects, and looking for policy-related information.

Starting the Active Roles Console

The Active Roles Console, also referred to as MMC Interface, is a comprehensive administrative tool for managing Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange. With the Active Roles Console, you can easily find directory objects and perform administrative tasks.

To start the Active Roles Console

  1. Log in to the system where Active Roles Console is installed.

  2. Depending on the version of your operating system:

    • In the Apps page, click Active Roles 8.0.1 LTSConsole.

    • From the Start menu, select All Programs > One Identity Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS > Active Roles 8.0.1 LTS Console.

NOTE: By default, the Active Roles Console automatically chooses the Administration Service and establishes a connection. If the Console cannot connect to the Administration Service or you want to manually select the Administration Service, see Connecting to the Administration Service in the Active Roles Administration Guide.

Console access management

By default, after installing Active Roles, every user can log in to the Active Roles Console. To restrict user access to the Console, use the MMC Interface Access option of the Configuration Center.

To manage the Console access

  1. On the Configuration Center Dashboard page, in the MMC Interface Access area, click Manage Settings.

  2. On the MMC Interface Access page that opens, in the Settings area, click Component, then click Modify or double-click the Component item.

  3. On the MMC Interface Access wizard that appears, select one of the following options:

    • Allow Console (MMC Interface) access for all users: Enables the user to log in to Active Roles Console.

    • Restrict Console (MMC Interface) access for all users: Selecting this option restricts all non-Active Roles Admin users from using the Console. This affects all delegated users, but does not apply to Active Roles Admin users.

  4. Click OK.

    The Active Roles Console settings get configured successfully. A message is displayed prompting you to restart the Administration Service to disconnect the current Console user sessions and for the updated settings to be reflected on the Console.

NOTE: Consider the following when managing Console access:

  • You can also give Active Roles Console access to users with the User Interface Management - MMC Full controlAccess Template (AT) of the Active Roles Console. This AT gives access permission to the Server Configuration > User Interfaces > MMC Interface object.

  • For information on delegating Console access to specified users, see Delegating control to users for accessing Active Roles Console.

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