Local Groups - Add/Remove Members |
Add or remove members from groups on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Groups - Create |
Create groups on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Groups - Delete |
Delete groups on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Groups - List |
List groups stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Groups - Read/Write General Information |
View and modify descriptions and membership lists of the groups stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Groups - Rename |
Rename groups stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Create |
Create user accounts on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Delete |
Delete user accounts on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - List |
List user accounts stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Read Group Membership |
View a list of groups to which the user account belongs; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Read/Write Account Options |
View and modify user account options such as the password options, 'Account is disabled' and 'Account is locked out'; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Read/Write General Information |
View and modify full names and descriptions of the user accounts stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Read/Write Profile Properties |
View and modify user profile and home folder settings for the user accounts stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Rename |
Rename user accounts stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Local Users - Write Password |
Change passwords for the user accounts stored locally on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Printer Resources - Read/Write Advanced Information |
View and modify information on the Ports and Advanced tabs in the Properties dialog box for logical printers; no other permissions are included. |
Printer Resources - Read/Write General Information |
View and modify Name, Location, and Comment for logical printers; no other permissions are included. |
Printer Resources - Read/Write Sharing Information |
View and modify the Not Shared and Shared As options for logical printers; no other permissions are included. |
Services - List |
List services defined on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Services - Read/Write General Information |
View and modify Name, Display Name, Description, Path to Executable, and Startup Type for services; no other permissions are included. |
Services - Read/Write Log On Information |
View and modify the Log On As options for services; no other permissions are included. |
Services - Read/Write Start type |
View and modify Startup Type for services; no other permissions are included. |
Services - Start /Stop/ Pause/ Resume |
Start, stop, pause, and resume services; no other permissions are included. |
Shares - Create |
Create network shares on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Shares - List |
List network shares defined on a computer; no other permissions are included. |
Shares - Read/Write General Information |
View and modify Share Name, Path, Comment, and User Limit for network shares; no other permissions are included. |
Shares - Read/Write Permissions |
View and modify share permissions on network shares; no other permissions are included. |
Shares - Stop Sharing |
Stop sharing folders on a computer; no other permissions are included. |