The Master Account Management policy defines a list of properties to copy from the master account to the shadow account. These properties are referred to as synchronized properties. When you use Active Roles to set or change a synchronized property of a master account, the policy causes Active Roles to set or change the value of that property on both the master account and shadow account.
In addition, Skype for Business Server User Management provides a scheduled task that copies synchronized properties from every managed master account to the corresponding shadow account. The task runs on a scheduled basis to ensure that each of the synchronized properties of the shadow account has the same value as the corresponding property of the master account. If a synchronized property of the shadow account has changed for whatever reason, Active Roles changes that property back to the value found on the master account. For further details, see Scheduled synchronization later in this document.
The following table provides the default list of synchronized properties. You can configure the policy to synchronize additional properties or remove individual properties from synchronization.
c (Country Abbreviation) co (Country) company (Company) countryCode (Country-Code) department (Department) displayName (Display Name) givenName (First Name) homePhone (Home Phone) initials (Initials) l (City) mobile (Mobile Number) otherTelephone (Phone Number (Others)) |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName (Office Location) postalCode (ZIP/Postal Code) postOfficeBox (Post Office Box) sAMAccountName (Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000)) sn (Last Name) st (State/Province) streetAddress (Street Address) telephoneNumber (Telephone Number) title (Job Title) url (Web Page Address (Others)) wWWHomePage (Web Page Address)