This example will guide you through the steps required to configure single sign-on for using OpenID Connect.
To configure single sign-on for Salesforce using OpenID Connect
Log in to the Administration Console using the desktop shortcut Cloud Access Manager Application Portal, then select Add New from the Applications section on the home page.
Cloud Access Manager provides a set of application templates to automatically configure common applications. This example describes how to configure an application manually, rather than using a template.
Click Fetch icon from application to locate and display the application icon.
NOTE: In addition the Add application to application portal home and Allow user to remove application from application portal home options allow you to specify whether the application should automatically appear on each user’s portal page and how the user can manage the application from the application portal. |
Add application to application portal home | Allow user to remove application from application portal home | Functionality |
application is added to the portal and it cannot be removed by the user through the application catalog. | ||
application is added to the portal and it can be removed by the user through the application catalog | ||
application is not automatically added to the portal. The user can add or remove the application to/from the portal through the application catalog. |
To access the application catalog from the application portal, the user simply needs to click their username, then select Application Catalog.
Depending on the settings in the Add application to application portal home and Allow user to remove application from application portal home options, the user can add or remove applications to/from the application portal.
Click Finish to complete the configuration of the application.
NOTE: Some claims need to be set up manually. To do this, edit the application and select the Claim Mapping tab. Add claims for given_name, family_name, preferred_username and email. |
To configure your Salesforce account to authenticate your users with Cloud Access Manager OpenID Connect
Go to Security | Auth Provider.
Copy the corresponding values from your Cloud Access Manager OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 Settings into the appropriate fields, Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Authorize Endpoint URL, Token Endpoint URL, User Info Endpoint URL, Token Issuer.
NOTE: You should verify that your Cloud Access Manager sends a full certificate chain with its SSL certificate or the Salesforce server may return an error and refuse to connect to the required Endpoints; the error returned is not explanatory. |
Select a privileged user for Execute Registration As.
Copy the Callback URL into Cloud Access Manager for the Redirect URI.
Single Sign-On Initialization URL — This is used to SSO into Salesforce using the Registration Handler. The default handler created above will require the Salesforce account to be already linked to a Cloud Access Manager account. However, it is possible to write your own handler which would automatically provision a user and link it to a Cloud Access Manager account.
Existing User Linking URL — This is used to link Cloud Access Manager accounts to existing Salesforce accounts. The user is prompted to log into Cloud Access Manager and to then select the Salesforce account to link to.
Configuration of Salesforce for OpenID Connect/OAuth 2.0 is now complete.
The following example will guide you through the steps required to configure single sign-on for a thick client or mobile application.
To configure single sign-on for an application using OpenID Connect
Log in to the Administration Console using the desktop shortcut Cloud Access Manager Application Portal, then select Add New from the Applications section on the home page.
Cloud Access Manager provides a set of application templates to automatically configure common applications. This example describes how to configure an application manually, rather than using a template.
Enter the Redirect URI on the Cloud Access Manager OpenID Connect / Oauth 2.0 Settings page.
NOTE: Some applications require the authorization code to be returned in the web page title, if this is the case, use urn:InstalledApplication as the Redirect URI. |
Enter an Application Name, then click Next.
NOTE: It is not possible to launch this type of application from the Application Portal, therefore no portal settings are required. |
Click Finish to complete the configuration of the application.
NOTE: If the application requires additional claims. You will need to set these up manually. To do this, edit the application and select the Claim Mapping tab. |
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