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Identity Manager 8.2 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Azure Active Directory

Managing Azure Active Directory environments Synchronizing an Azure Active Directory environment
Setting up initial synchronization with an Azure Active Directory tenant Adjusting the synchronization configuration for Azure Active Directory environments Running synchronization Tasks following synchronization Troubleshooting Ignoring data error in synchronization
Managing Azure Active Directory user accounts and employees Managing memberships in Azure Active Directory groups Managing Azure Active Directory administrator roles assignments Managing Azure Active Directory subscription and Azure Active Directory service plan assignments
Displaying enabled and disabled Azure Active Directory service plans forAzure Active Directory user accounts and Azure Active Directory groups Assigning Azure Active Directory subscriptions to Azure Active Directory user accounts Assigning disabled Azure Active Directory service plans to Azure Active Directory user accounts Inheriting Azure Active Directory subscriptions based on categories Inheritance of disabled Azure Active Directory service plans based on categories
Login information for Azure Active Directory user accounts Mapping of Azure Active Directory objects in One Identity Manager
Azure Active Directory core directories Azure Active Directory user accounts Azure Active Directory groups Azure Active Directory administrator roles Azure Active Directory subscriptions and Azure Active Directory service principals Disabled Azure Active Directory service plans Azure Active Directory applications and Azure Active Directory service principals Reports about Azure Active Directory objects
Handling of Azure Active Directory objects in the Web Portal Recommendations for federations Basic configuration data for managing an Azure Active Directory environment Troubleshooting Configuration parameters for managing an Azure Active Directory environment Default project template for Azure Active Directory Editing Azure Active Directory system objects Azure Active Directory connector settings

Assigning extended properties to Azure Active Directory groups

Extended properties are meta objects, such as operating codes, cost codes, or cost accounting areas that cannot be mapped directly in One Identity Manager.

For more detailed information about setting up extended properties, see the One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide.

To specify extended properties for a group

  1. In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Groups category.

  2. Select the group in the result list.

  3. Select Assign extended properties.

  4. In the Add assignments pane, assign extended properties.

    TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove assigned extended properties.

    To remove an assignment

    • Select the extended property and double-click .

  5. Save the changes.

Deleting Azure Active Directory groups

Groups are deleted permanently from the One Identity Manager database and from Azure Active Directory.

To delete a group

  1. In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Groups category.

  2. Select the group in the result list.

  3. Click in the result list.

  4. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

Displaying the Azure Active Directory group overview

Use this task to obtain an overview of the most important information about a group.

To obtain an overview of a group

  1. In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Groups category.

  2. Select the group in the result list.

  3. Select the Azure Active Directory group overview task.

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Displaying Active Directory groups for Azure Active Directory groups

The Active Directory group linked to an Azure Active Directory group is displayed on the overview form.

To display the Active Directory group for an Azure Active Directory group

  1. In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Groups category.

  2. Select the group in the result list.

  3. Select the Azure Active Directory group overview task.

    The Active Directory group form element shows which group is linked to it.

For more information about Active Directory, see the One Identity Manager Administration Guide for Connecting to Active Directory.

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