To display information about mail-enabled public folders
In the Manager, select the Azure Active Directory > Tenants > <Azure Active Directory tenant> > Exchange Online administration > Recipient configuration > Mail-enabled public folders category.
Select the mail-enabled distribution group in the result list.
Select one of the following tasks:
Exchange Online public folder overview: This shows you an overview of the mail-enabled public folder and its dependencies.
Change main data: Shows the mail-enabled public folder's main data.
Assign mail acceptance: Shows which recipients can accept messages.
Assign mail rejection: Shows which recipients can reject messages.
Assign send permissions: Shows who can send messages on behalf of the mail enabled public folder.
Assign moderators: Shows who can accept or reject messages send to a moderated mail-enabled public folder.
Assign mail-enabled distribution groups: Shows which mail-enabled distribution groups are assigned. You can assign more mail-enabled distribution group or remove them.