Possible problems
The data does not start updating. The Configuration Wizard shows the message:
The migration cannot be carried out because a replication is currently running.
The following error occurs during a One Identity Manager schema update:
Database error 1468: The operation cannot be performed on database "<database name>" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availability group. ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
The database is part of an AlwaysOn availability group or is participating in a database mirroring.
Remove the database from the AlwaysOn availability group or the database mirroring.
Update the One Identity Manager schema.
Re-admit the database to the AlwaysOn availability group or the database mirroring.
Possible issues
After restoring a One Identity Manager database from a database backup, no DBQueue Processor tasks are handled.
If the SQL Server in running on a virtual machine and the virtual machine is suspended, it is possible that no DBQueue Processor tasks are handled after restarting the virtual machine.
Probable reason
The SQL Server Service Broker cannot be reactivated during initialization of the DBQueue Processor. The Service Broker is implemented for DBQueue Processor communications.
Run the following steps using a suitable program for running SQL queries in the database:
IMPORTANT: Select a user that you use for migrating the database to run the SQL queries.
Stop all DBQueue Processor components.
exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare 1
exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 1
Check whether other database sessions are active.
select *
from sys.sysprocesses p
where dbid = DB_ID()
and spid <> @@SPID
If there are still sessions active, they must be closed first.
Create a new ServiceBroker ID and enable message delivery.
alter database <database name> set NEW_BROKER
alter database <database name> set enable_broker
Initializing the DBQueue Processor.
exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 0,1
exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare
NOTE: If you restore a test or development database from a backup of another One Identity Manager database, these steps are run by the Database Compiler. In this case, it is not necessary to run the steps manually.
In a process for sending emails, the value of the SenderAddress or Address parameter is <Enter email address in configuration parameter "...">. Check process parameters in Job Queue Info.
The message is also sent to the One Identity Manager Service log file if extended error reporting in debug mode is configured for the One Identity Manager Service.
Probable issue
One Identity Manager sends email notifications about various actions taken within the system. One Identity Manager email notification system is not completely configured.
Check the configuration parameters for the email notification system. To do this, use the email configuration wizard.
To start the email configuration wizard in the Launchpad.
In the Launchpad, in the Configuration section, select Configure email connection.
Click Run.
To start the email configuration wizard in the Designer.
In the Designer, in the Base data > General > Configuration parameters category, select the Common | MailNotification configuration parameter.
In theConfiguration Parameter Editor, click ... next to the Value field.
Detailed information about this topic
You can remove modules from the One Identity Manager database that you no longer require in your system.
By removing a module, you lose all the data that goes with it. So it is important to make a backup of the One Identity Manager database before removing any modules.
In certain circumstances, dependencies to other modules may be deleted by removing a module. Therefore, update the One Identity Manager schema after removing a module.
Other tests may be necessary after removing a module. Remove the module in your test environment first and test the One Identity Manager functionality thoroughly. Make sure to also check any custom adaptations that may use functions in the modules that have been removed.
To remove a module
Terminate all web applications using the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Close all One Identity Manager tools except for Job Queue Info.
Wait until all processes have stopped. You can do this using the .
Stop all One Identity Manager Services through the services manager.
Stop all application servers using the IIS Manager.
Wait until all DBQueue Processor tasks have completed. You can do this using the .
Close Job Queue Info.
Start a suitable program for running SQL queries.
Select a user that you use for migrating the database to run the SQL queries.
Run the following steps separately using a suitable program for running SQL queries.
Test the output of the query after each step. The output provides additional tips for removing a module.
Activate single-user mode for the One Identity Manager database.
exec dbo.QBM_PSingleUserRequest @@spid
Stop the DBQueue Processor components.
exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare 1
exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 1
Delete all triggers in the database.
exec QBM_PTriggerDrop '%', @force = 1
Delete all constraints in the database.
exec QBM_PConstraintFKDrop '%','%','%'
Delete the module you no longer need.
exec QBM_PModuleRemove '<3-character module abbreviation>'
declare @ModulesToRemove varchar(100) = 'SAP' + char(7)
+ 'SHR' + char(7)
+ 'SBW' + char(7)
+ 'SAC' + char(7)
exec QBM_PModuleRemove @ModulesToRemove
If you delete the Business Roles Module (RMB), you must also delete the entries in the OrgRoot table.
exec QBM_PDeleteDeep '<Key><T>OrgRoot</T><P>3031e9af-6a53-4876-bbfb-0f7fbf264131</P></Key>
End single-user mode for the One Identity Manager database.
exec dbo.QBM_PSingleUserRelease @@spid
Update the One Identity Manager schema with the Configuration Wizard. Select all remaining modules for updating.
If support sent you hotfixes for this version, then these hotfixes must also be reinstalled.
Start the application server, the One Identity Manager Services and the web applications.