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Identity Manager 9.0 LTS - Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide

Basics for mapping company structures in One Identity Manager Dynamic roles Departments, cost centers, and locations
One Identity Manager users for managing departments, cost centers, and locations Basic information for departments, cost centers, and locations Creating and editing departments Creating and editing cost centers Creating and editing locations Setting up IT operating data for departments, cost centers, and locations Assigning employees, devices, and workdesks to departments, cost centers, and locations Assigning company resources to departments, cost centers, and locations Creating dynamic roles for departments, cost centers, and locations Dynamic roles with incorrectly excluded employees Assign organizations Specifying inheritance exclusion for departments, cost centers, and locations Assigning extended properties to departments, cost centers, and locations Reports about departments, cost centers, and locations
Employee administration
One Identity Manager users for employee administration Basic data for employee main data Employee's central user account Employee's default email address Employee's central password Mapping multiple employee identities Password policies for employees Creating and editing employees Disabling and deleting employees Deleting all employee related data Limited access to One Identity Manager Changing the certification status of employees Assigning company resources to employees Displaying the origin of employees' roles and entitlements Analyzing role memberships and employee assignments Displaying the employees overview Displaying and deleting employees' Webauthn security keys Determining the language for employees Determining employees working hours Manually assigning user accounts to employees Entering calls for employees Assigning extended properties to employees Employee reports
Managing devices and workdesks Managing resources Setting up extended properties Configuration parameters for managing departments, cost centers, and locations Configuration parameters for managing employees Configuration parameters for managing devices and workdesks

Custom scripts for password requirements

You can implement custom scripts for testing and generating passwords if the password requirements cannot be mapped with the existing settings options. Scripts are applied in addition to the other settings.

Detailed information about this topic

Checking passwords with a script

You can implement a script if additional policies need to be used for checking a password that cannot be mapped with the available settings.

Syntax of check scripts

Public Sub CCC_CustomPwdValidate( policy As VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy, spwd As System.Security.SecureString)

With parameters:

policy = password policy object

spwd = password to check

TIP: To use a base object, take the Entity property of the PasswordPolicy class.

Example: Script that checks a password

A password cannot start with ? or ! . The password cannot start with three identical characters. The script checks a given password for validity.

Public Sub CCC_PwdValidate( policy As VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy, spwd As System.Security.SecureString)

Dim pwd = spwd.ToInsecureArray()

If pwd.Length>0

If pwd(0)="?" Or pwd(0)="!"

Throw New Exception(#LD("Password can't start with '?' or '!'")#)

End If

End If

If pwd.Length>2

If pwd(0) = pwd(1) AndAlso pwd(1) = pwd(2)

Throw New Exception(#LD("Invalid character sequence in password")#)

End If

End If

End Sub

To use a custom script for checking a password

  1. In the Designer, create your script in the Script Library category.

  2. Edit the password policy.

    1. In the Manager, select the Employees > Basic configuration data > Password policies category.

    2. In the result list, select the password policy.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the Scripts tab, enter the name of the script to be used to check a password in the Check script field.

    5. Save the changes.

Related topics

Generating passwords with a script

You can implement a generating script if additional policies need to be used for generating a random password, which cannot be mapped with the available settings.

Syntax for generating script

Public Sub CCC_PwdGenerate( policy As VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy, spwd As System.Security.SecureString)

With parameters:

policy = password policy object

spwd = generated password

TIP: To use a base object, take the Entity property of the PasswordPolicy class.

Example: Script that generates a password

In random passwords, this script replaces the invalid characters ? and ! at the beginning of a password with _.

Public Sub CCC_PwdGenerate( policy As VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy, spwd As System.Security.SecureString)

Dim pwd = spwd.ToInsecureArray()

' replace invalid characters at first position

If pwd.Length>0

If pwd(0)="?" Or pwd(0)="!"

spwd.SetAt(0, CChar("_"))

End If

End If

End Sub

To use a custom script for generating a password

  1. In the Designer, create your script in the Script Library category.

  2. Edit the password policy.

    1. In the Manager, select the Employees > Basic configuration data > Password policies category.

    2. In the result list, select the password policy.

    3. Select the Change main data task.

    4. On the Scripts tab, enter the name of the script to be used to generate a password in the Generating script field.

    5. Save the changes.

Related topics

Defining the excluded list for passwords

You can add words to a list of restricted terms to prohibit them from being used in passwords.

NOTE: The restricted list applies globally to all password policies.

To add a term to the restricted list

  1. In the Designer, select the Base data > Security settings > Password policies category.

  2. Create a new entry with the Object > New menu item and enter the term you want to exclude from the list.

  3. Save the changes.

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