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Identity Manager 9.0 LTS - IT Shop Administration Guide

Setting up an IT Shop solution
One Identity Manager users in the IT Shop Implementing the IT Shop Using the IT Shop with the Application Governance Module Requestable products Preparing products for requesting Assigning and removing products Preparing the IT Shop for multi-factor authentication Assignment requests Delegations Creating IT Shop requests from existing user accounts, assignments, and role memberships Adding system entitlements automatically to the IT Shop Deleting unused application roles for product owners
Approval processes for IT Shop requests
Approval policies for requests Approval workflows for requests Determining effective approval policies Selecting responsible approvers Request risk analysis Testing requests for rule compliance Approving requests from an approver Automatically approving requests Approval by peer group analysis Gathering further information about a request Appointing other approvers Escalating an approval step Approvers cannot be established Automatic approval on timeout Halting a request on timeout Approval by the chief approval team Approving requests with terms of use Using default approval processes
Request sequence Managing an IT Shop
IT Shop base data Setting up IT Shop structures Setting up a customer node Deleting IT Shop structures Restructuring the IT Shop Templates for automatically filling the IT Shop Custom mail templates for notifications Request templates Recommendations and tips for transporting IT Shop components with the Database Transporter
Troubleshooting errors in the IT Shop Configuration parameters for the IT Shop Request statuses Examples of request results

Product change notifications

Employees can be notified when a product is replaced by another product on a fixed date. The request recipient is automatically notified by email once notification procedures are in place and the Change product task is run.


To use different mail template than the default for this notification

  1. Open the VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg Send Mail Product Expires Soon process in the Designer.

  2. Change the process properties in the pre-script for generating the UID_RichMail.

  3. Select the Database > Save to database and click Save.

Detailed information about this topic

Default mail templates

One Identity Manager supplies mail templates by default. These mail templates are available in English and German. If you require the mail body in other languages, you can add mail definitions for these languages to the default mail template.

To edit a default mail template

  • In the Manager, select the IT Shop > Basic configuration data > Mail templates > Predefined category.

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Bulk delegation notifications

You have the option to delegate all your responsibilities to one person in the Web Portal. If you have a lot of responsibilities, it is possible that not all the delegations are carried out. A delegator can send a notification to themselves if an error occurs.

To send a notification if bulk delegation fails

  • In the Designer, set configuration parameter QER | ITShop | MailTemplateIdents | InformRequestorAboutMassDelegationErrors.

    By default, a notification using the Delegation - mass delegation errors occurred mail template is sent.

TIP: To use something other than the default mail template for these notifications, change the value of the configuration parameter in the Designer.

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Approval by mail

To provide approvers who are temporarily unable to access One Identity Manager tools with the option of making approval decisions on requests, you can set up approvals by email. In this process, approvers are notified by email when a request attestation case is pending their approval. Approvers can use the relevant links in the email to make approval decisions without having to connect to the Web Portal. This generates an email that contains the approval decision and in which approvers can state the reasons for their approval decision. This email is sent to a central mailbox. One Identity Manager checks this mailbox regularly, evaluates the incoming emails and updates the status of the request procedures correspondingly.

IMPORTANT: An approval cannot be sent by email if multi-factor authentication is configured for the requested product. Approval mails for such requests produce an error message.
  • If you use a Microsoft Exchange mailbox, configure the Microsoft Exchange with:

    • Microsoft Exchange Client Access Server version 2007, Service Pack 1 or higher

    • Microsoft Exchange Web Service .NET API Version 1.2.1, 32-bit

  • If you use an Exchange Online mailbox, register an application in your Azure Active Directory tenant in the Microsoft Azure Management Portal. For example, One Identity Manager <Approval by mail>.

    For more information about how to register an application, see

  • The One Identity Manager Service user account used to log into Microsoft Exchange or Exchange Online requires full access to the mailbox given in the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Inbox configuration parameter.

  • The QER | ITShop | MailTemplateIdents | RequestApproverByCollection configuration parameter is not set.

To set up approval by email

  1. In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Inbox configuration parameter and enter the mailbox to which the approval mails are to be sent.

  2. Set up mailbox access.

    • If you use a Microsoft Exchange mailbox:

      • By default, One Identity Manager uses the One Identity Manager Service user account to log in to the Microsoft Exchange Server and access the mailbox.

        - OR -

      • You enter a separate user account for logging in to theMicrosoft Exchange Server for mailbox access.

        • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Account configuration parameter and enter the user account's name.

        • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Domain configuration parameter and enter the user account's domain.

        • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Password configuration parameter and enter the user account's password.

    • If you use an Exchange Online mailbox:

      • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | AppId configuration parameter and enter the application ID that was generated when the application was registered in the Azure Active Directory tenant.

      • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Domain configuration parameter and enter the domain for logging into Azure Active Directory.

      • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | Password configuration parameter and enter the client secret (application password) for the application.

  3. In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailTemplateIdents | ITShopApproval configuration parameter.

    The mail template used to create the approval decision mail is stored with this configuration parameter. You can use the default mail template or add a custom mail template.

    TIP: In this case, also change the VI_MailApproval_ProcessMail script.

  4. Assign the following mail templates to the approval steps.

    Table 60: Mail templates for approval by mail


    Mail template

    Mail template request

    IT Shop request - approval required (by mail)

    Mail template reminder

    IT Shop request - remind approver (by mail)

    Mail template delegation

    IT Shop request - delegated/additional approval (by mail)

    Mail template rejection

    IT Shop request - reject approval (by mail)

  5. In the Designer, configure and enable the Processes IT Shop mail approvals schedule.

    Based on this schedule, One Identity Manager regularly checks the mailbox for new approval mails. The mailbox is checked every 15 minutes. You can change how frequently it checks, by altering the interval in the schedule as required.

To clean up a mail box

  • In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | MailApproval | DeleteMode configuration parameter and select one of the following values.

    • HardDelete: The processed email is immediately deleted.

    • MoveToDeletedItems: The processed email is moved to the Deleted objects mailbox folder.

    • SoftDelete: The processed email is moved to the Active Directory recycling bin and can be restored if necessary.

    NOTE: If you use the MoveToDeletedItems or SoftDelete cleanup method, you should empty the Deleted objects folder and the Active Directory recycling bin on a regular basis.

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