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Identity Manager 9.3 - Process Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide

About this guide Monitoring handling of processes Support for error localization in One Identity Manager Configuring logs in One Identity Manager

OUT parameters

Parameters of the OUT or INOUT type are parameters that a process component can use to output a value. This value is then available in all subsequent process steps in the process and can be used as a value for parameters of the IN type.

The Job Queue Info program is not technically capable of determining the point at which or for which process step these parameters are valid. For this reason, OUT parameters are added to the list of parameters of a process step and are highlighted in blue.

They cannot be seen in the view of the process step under <ParamIN> of a process step because this view presents the data structure of every process step at compilation time. However, the OUT parameters are created in the context of the process.

The time at which the process is loaded into the Job Queue Info is important. If a parameter is overwritten several times, only the state at the time of data query is displayed.

Example: Passing parameters

Step 1

OUT parameter: X=1

Step 2

IN parameter: X=1

Value changes: X=2

OUT parameter: X=2

Step 3

IN parameter: X=2

If the process is loaded into the Job Queue Info before step 2 is processed, the Job Queue Info displays the X=1 value for the OUT parameter. If the process is loaded after step 2 is processed, the X=2 value is displayed for the OUT parameter.

For more information about each process step and how the parameters are filled, see the One Identity Manager Service log file.

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Show hidden parameters

Parameters in the One Identity Manager Service log file and in the Job Queue Info program that are not to be displayed are labeled with the Hidden option. Values for hidden parameters are shown as <HIDDEN>.

The following users can view hidden parameters in Job Queue Info:

  • Administrative users

  • Users with the JobQueue_ShowHiddenParameters program function

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Re-enabling process steps and processes

The maximum number of times a process can appear in the Job queue can be limited in order to prevent mass modifications. If the limit is exceeded, the process steps are set to Overlimit status and are therefore no longer collected for processing. You can enable these process steps be run again.

Critical process steps that have failed to be processed are given Frozen status. You can also re-enable these processes after correcting the error.

NOTE: The error message is displayed as a tooltip on the affected process step. You use the Show error message context menu item to show a detailed error message.

To re-enable a process step

  • Select the process step in the Job Queue Info and select the Re-enable process step context menu item.

    NOTE: Use Shift + select or Ctrl + select to select and re-enable multiple process steps.

To re-enable a process step

  • Select the process in the Job Queue Info and select the Restart process context menu item.

    IMPORTANT: When you restart a process, all process steps are processed again. All previously handled processes up to the point at which the error occurred are run again. This can lead to data inconsistencies in certain circumstances.

Sometimes a rerun of the failed process step is not desired. This might occur when the action to be carried out by the process has been carried out manually, for example, an expected directory has been manually added in the meantime. Even so, it may just happen that the process should be rerun even though the error has not been fixed, for example, for a rollback of already processed steps. In this case, to continue with the process, the next process step in the success or failure branch can be handled.

To run the subsequent process step

  • Select the failed process step and select the End with success or the End with error context menu item.


    • The context menu items are only available if the current user owns the JobQueue_Frozen program function.

    • The entries are only displayed in the context menu if there is an error successor/sucess successor and the process step hast the status Frozen.

    • Use Shift+ select or Ctrl + select to select multiple process steps and start further processing.

Enabling and disabling extended logging of process steps

Success and error messages from process handling are written to the One Identity Manager Service log file. In order to test you processes, you can enable logging mode for process steps in the Job Queue Info. In this case, the processing messages of the processing step are written along with the Debug level of information into a separate log. You can display the log in the Job Queue Info as well as in the log file of the One Identity Manager Service itself.

NOTE: The log mode is only available is the current user owns the JobQueue_LogMode program function.

To enable process step logging mode

  • To log the messages on success and on failure, select the process step in the Job queue view in Job Queue Info and select the Processing log > Create always context menu.

  • To log the messages on failure only, in the Job Queue Info, select the process step in the Job queue view and select the Processing log > On Error context menu item.

NOTE: You can set the log mode by default for separate process steps. To do this, edit the process step in the Designer in Process Editor. For more information about editing processes and process steps, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

To display the log in Job Queue Info

  • In the Job queues view in Job Queue Info, select the process step and select the Processing log > Display context menu.

    This displays the log in a separate window. If a process step was run more than once, for example, if it is re-enabled more than once, several log are displayed.

To display the log in the One Identity Manager Service log file

  • In the Job Queue Info, select the Server status view on the Job server tab and select the Show in browser context menu item.

  • The log is marked with a link entry Log written to Job_<UID_Job>_<yyyymmdd>_<Timestamp>.log. Click the link to display the log.

    The files are stored in the One Identity Manager Service log directory.

    Repository structure:

    <Log directory>\JobLogs\<First 4 digits of the UID_Job>\Job_<UID_Job>_<yyyymmdd>_<Timestamp>.log

To end log mode

  • In Job Queue Info, in the Job queue view, select the process step and select the Processing log > Disable context menu item.

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