The Assign ownership view displays a list of all governed resources that have no assigned owner. From this page, you can assign ownership to these resources.
NOTE: An account is only eligible to be set as an owner if they have an associated One Identity Manager Identity.
In order to assign ownership to an NFS Export resource, ensure that an Active Directory identity is assigned to the UNIX account.
To assign a One Identity Manager Identity to a UNIX account:
- In the Manager, select Identities | Identities.
- Locate and select the identity, right-click and select Tasks | Assign Unix user accounts.
- In the lower pane, locate and double-click the account to be assigned to the selected identity.
In order to assign ownership to a cloud resource, ensure that an Active Directory identity is assigned to the SHAREPOINTONLINE or ONEDRIVEBUSINESS account.
To assign a One Identity Manager Identity to a cloud account:
- In the Manager, select Identities | Identities.
Locate and select the identity, right-click and select Tasks | Assign user accounts.
- In the lower pane, locate and double-click the account to be assigned to the selected identity.
To assign ownership to a governed resource
From the menu bar, select Responsibilities | Governance Administration.
- On the Governance Administration view, select the Governed Data Ownership tile.
The Assign ownership view appears, which lists the governed resources that currently have no assigned owner. By default this includes all resources with no assigned owner on all managed hosts; however, you can use the Managed host drop-down menu to limit the display to resources on a single managed host. You can also use the Search control to search for a specific resource.
On the Assign ownership view, select the check box to the left of the governed resource to which you want to assign ownership. You can select multiple resources in the list if you want to assign the same owner.
NOTE: Clicking on a resource in the list displays the Overview page (hyper view of related data) for the resource and provides access to other details about the selected resource.
- For resources with a perceived owner listed:
Click the Assign button in the Perceived owners column.
TIP: For governed resources with a perceived owner, you do not need to select the check box to the left of the resource to use the Assign button..
- In the Perceived owners dialog, select the required account and click the corresponding Assign owner button.
If the suggested accounts are not sufficient, click the hyperlink at the bottom of the dialog to select another identity.
- In the Assign owner dialog, click the Assign or Change button to display a list of identities.
- In the Owner (Identity) dialog, locate and select an identity.
- In the Assign owner dialog, the selected identity appears, click the Assign ownership button.
- For resources without a perceived owner listed:
Click the Assign owner button (bottom right corner of grid).
TIP: For governed resources without a perceived owner, you must select the check box to the left of the resource to enable the Assign owner button.
- In the Assign owner dialog, click the Assign button to display a list of identities.
- In the Owner (Identity) dialog, select an identity from the list.
In the Assign owner dialog, the selected identity appears. Click the Assign ownership button.
NOTE: Prior to selecting the Assign ownership button, you can click the Change button to assign a different owner.
- On the Assign ownership view, a message appears at the top of the page stating how many resources have been assigned to the selected identity and the resource is no longer displayed.