Some connectors support the use of local cache. If you enable this cache, the connector loads all the necessary data into a local database after the connection has been established with the target system. The data is loaded for each schema type. The data required for synchronizationThe process
Sequence of process steps for mapping
List of object matching rules and property mapping rules which map the schema properties of two connected systems to one another. an operational workflow. The process steps are connected to one another by predecessor/successor relationships. This functionality allows flexibility when linking up actions and sequences on object events. of comparing data between One Identity Manager and a target system. Objects and their properties are compared by fixed rules. Synchronization results in the identical data situation in the target system and One Identity Manager database. are then supplied by the local database.
The aim is, to replace numerous small single read accesses to the target system by one large one. This can significantly increase the performance of target system synchronizationPost processing of objects that were marked as outstanding by synchronization. where individual accesses need a lot of time but list access can be relatively quickly handled. This is generally the case for cloud-based target systems. Apart from that, the cache reduces the number of queries to the target system. The cache should, therefore, be used for target systems where the number of queries is limited through quotas
A maximum set of system objects that can be processed in a synchronization step with a particular processing method. If the quota is exceeded during synchronization, none of the object of this schema class with this processing method are handled and synchronization is stopped..
It does not always make sense to use the cache. When synchronizing with revision filtering, which is run at short intervals, you can expect few accesses to the target system. Filling the cache in this case, might cost more time than the sum of all system accesses without caching.
Cache is only used for synchronization.
The cache database is added in the user's 'temp' directory and deleted after the system is disconnected. Schema typeDefines an object type within a schema. Refers to exactly one table or view of the database based schema or exactly one object type of the non-database based schema. contents with sensitive data (if known) are encrypted with the "Data Protection API" with the current user's key.
You specify whether the local is used in the target system connection settings. For more information, see the One Identity Manager administration guides for connecting to target systems that support local caching.